Paid Family Leave provides an employee with up to 30 work days (typically 6 weeks) of leave to take care of a spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition. Full-time employees are eligible once they have 6 months of service. Metro follows FMLA guidelines (unless otherwise stated in the Civil Service Policy) regarding what constitutes a serious health condition and which family members are eligible. Paid Family Leave runs concurrently with FMLA and is paid at 100% of regular salary. Employees are not required to take any of their sick, vacation, or other leave before using Paid Family Leave.
- Civil Service Rules and Civil Service Policies
- Mayor Megan Barry Executive Order Number 38
- Reaffirmed by Mayor David Briley Executive Order Number 001
Employee requesting Paid Family Leave and seeking additional information should speak with their department HR division.
The necessary documentation and forms for requesting Paid Family Leave may be found on the Family Medical Leave Act Policy page.