Metro Social Services coordinates and funds the burial of deceased persons who did not leave sufficient resources to cover the cost of their burial expenses.
The deceased must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:
- Was a resident of Davidson County or who died in Davidson County without means to provide for burial
- Did not exceed the monthly allowable income as stated in the Health and Human Services (HHS) most current Poverty Income Guidelines – 100% Poverty Level
- Did not leave sufficient assets, or a life insurance policy sufficient to cover the cost of burial expenses
- Did not die in a state or federal institution or in state or federal custody
A resident is defined as someone who is currently living in Davidson County or someone who dies in Nashville or Davidson County.
Applying for Burial Assistance
Applications for burial/cremation assistance must be made by the family member closest in relation to the deceased. If not available, other family members, friends, or agency representatives may apply for burial assistance for the deceased. All applications for burial/cremation services must be made during the hours of operation, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. For an appointment call 615-862-6458.
Services Provided
- Preparation and Casket (exterior finish in either wood stained, doeskin cloth over wood frame or metal finish casket) provided by the funeral home establishments, including cremation if the applicant prefers.
- Transport of the deceased person within Davidson County;
- Gravesite in a cemetery either owned by the Metropolitan Government or plots purchased as needed by Metropolitan Government if interment is required;
- Opening and closing of grave at a cemetery owned by the Metropolitan Government or plots purchased by the Metropolitan Government;
- Adult-size concrete vault for deceased adults;
- Special combination casket/outside container for deceased infants;
- Grave marker bearing the name and year of birth and death of deceased.
- Cremation Services providing the applicant can provide proof of relationship to decedent
- Burial in a Veterans Cemetery if the deceased person qualifies for interment therein by having served in the military and received an honorable discharge with verification.
Contact Information
Carol Wilson or Venus Allen
- Phone: 615-862-6458
- Fax: 615-880-2535
Additional information on Burial/Cremation Services Flyer.
Carol Wilson, Program Manager II