Meeting Frequency
Meetings are held on a “called” basis. Contact the board for more information.
Resolution No. R74-946
Term - 6 years
7 Members
The Health and Educational Facilities Board of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee is a public, nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Tennessee for the benefit of the citizens to encourage and promote the improvement and maintenance of their health and living conditions. The Board is authorized to issue revenue bonds and loan the proceeds to finance the acquisition, construction, development, rehabilitation, and improvement of health, educational, and multifamily housing facilities. The types of eligible projects and borrowers are determined by State statute and include hospitals, universities, non-profit schools, and multifamily housing developers.
The Board’s revenue bonds are special, limited obligations payable solely from the revenues pledged as security for the bonds. The Board has no financial resources and the Board has no taxing power. The Metropolitan Government is not liable for the repayment of the Board’s bonds. The Board considers resolutions approving financing documents at public meetings and holds public hearings if required.
The Board is comprised of Davidson County resident volunteers who are nominated and elected by the Metropolitan County Council.
Mixed Income Housing PILOT Application
- Mixed Income Housing PILOT Agreement
- Mixed-Income Housing PILOT Affirmative Marketing Plan document
- Mixed-Income Housing PILOT Application
- Mixed Income Housing PILOT Lease
- Mixed Income Housing PILOT Program Details
- Mixed Income Housing PILOT Schedule Template
Please review all items. For additional questions, email
View a List of Health and Educational Facilities Board Members