Metro Council Members - Organized By District Election Day Polling Place Finder - Find Where You Vote You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Contact Information The On-Line Council Member Feedback Form is used by the Council Staff Office to document and report concerns, needs and requests from citizens. Step 1: Enter contact information. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. These fields are essential for effective Metro Council support. Your name Email Contact Address Home address City Zip Daytime phone District Lookup Step 2: Lookup your council member or select your individual Council Member from the drop-down list. Please enter an address in the Contact Information section above. Loading... Council district Entire Metro CouncilAngie Henderson (Vice Mayor)Zulfat Suara (At Large)Delishia Porterfield (At Large)Quin Evans Segall (At Large)Burkley Allen (At Large)Olivia Hill (At Large)Joy Kimbrough (District 1)Kyonzté Toombs (District 2)Jennifer Gamble (District 3)Mike Cortese (District 4)Sean Parker (District 5)Clay Capp (District 6)Emily Benedict (District 7)Deonte Harrell (District 8)Tonya Hancock (District 9)Jennifer Frensley Webb (District 10)Jeff Eslick (District 11)Erin Evans (District 12)Russ Bradford (District 13)Jordan Huffman (District 14)Jeff Gregg (District 15)Ginny Welsch (District 16)Terry Vo (District 17)Tom Cash (District 18)Jacob Kupin (District 19)Rollin Horton (District 20)Brandon Taylor (District 21)Sheri Weiner (District 22)Thom Druffel (District 23)Brenda Gadd (District 24)Jeff Preptit (District 25)Courtney Johnston (District 26)Robert Nash (District 27)David Benton (District 28)Tasha Ellis (District 29)Sandra Sepulveda (District 30)John Rutherford (District 31)Joy Styles (District 32)Antoinette Lee (District 33)Sandy Ewing (District 34)Jason Spain (District 35) Message Step 3: Enter your subject and comments in the text boxes provided below. Subject Comments Disclaimer Step 4: Accept disclaimer by checking box to enable 'Submit' button. Disclaimer: By submitting comments or emails for distribution to one or more Members of the Metro Council through this website, I hereby acknowledge that all such communications are public records and are subject to disclosure to a third party upon request pursuant to T.C.A. §10-7-503. Leave this field blank