How long has this entire project been going on?
The Imagine East Bank Vision Plan process began in November 2020 and concluded in October 2022 with unanimous approval at the Metro Planning Commission. Metro Council approved a Master Developer Agreement for the first 30 acres of Metro-owned land in April 2024.
In Mayor O'Connell's Fall 2024Capital Spending Plan (CSP), the administration proposed a $33.5 million allocation to NDOT to establish critical infrastructure and connectivity spanning the 550-acre area including:
- $14.6 million for land acquisition to buy right of way between James Robertson Parkway and Jefferson Street for the East Bank Boulevard.
- $6.6 million for design work related to infrastructure needs such as street grid, new utilities, a transit hub, and other projects related to transportation and connectivity.
- $12.3 million for construction of the street grid and utility and infrastructure relocation.
How did Metro select Fallon as Master Developer?
Metro is required to go through a solicitation for qualifications and proposals for large-scale contracts such as this. After the Imagine East Bank Vision Plan was approved by the Metro Planning Commission, the East Bank team – comprised of subject-matter experts from Metro Planning, Nashville Department of Transportation, Metro Water Services, WeGo, and Metro Parks – drafted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), which was published on January 12, 2023. From there, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was drafted and published on May 9, 2023, and the East Bank team subsequently held various phases of proposal review and interviews with applicants. Metro announced the intent to award the Master Developer contract to Fallon on September 12, 2023.
What was the process for approving the deal with Fallon?
Metro filed an ordinance, subject to three readings at three separate Council meetings in the first quarter of 2024. Metro Council approved the Master Developer Agreement in April 2024.
When will we see work on Metro property begin?
The new Nissan Stadium is underway and has a 33-month construction duration. It is currently scheduled for completion in 2027. Visit the Tennessee Titans' New Nissan Stadium Construction page for more information.
There are ongoing utility relocations on Metro-owned land occurring to make the new stadium site and properties in the Fallon deal ready for development. The relocated utilities include a Metro Water Services force main, a Piedmont Natural Gas main, and a Colonial Gas main all of which are on track to be completed in 2024. The Fallon Company is currently establishing a timeline for groundbreaking on their initial projects.
What will the impacts to traveling through the area be?
The Tennessee Titans' contractor, Tennessee Builders Alliance, Nashville Department of Transportation, Metro Nashville Police Department, Sports Authority, and East Bank Program Team will be developing a public-facing mapping platform that will describe current and proposed road closures, sidewalk closures, bike closures, and their respective detours. This mapping platform will be dynamic and updated frequently so that all those who travel through the area will have an expectation of their commute and access to and through the East Bank.
The Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) maintains an interactive graphical database that is updated every two hours. This database describes current and proposed road closures, sidewalk closures, bike closures, and their respective detours. The purpose of the mapping platform is so that those who travel through the area will have an expectation of their commute and access to and through the East Bank. The platform can be accessed here.
Do we know a timeline for the full development of the IDA?
At 30 acres, full completion of the development of the Metro-owned land is anticipated to take decades.

Pictured is a timeline for the development of the Vision Plan in the shape of a winding river beginning in 2021 through 2024.
Development of the Imagine East Bank Plan
- February 4, 2021 – Information meeting
- May 11, 2021 – Public Kickoff Meeting
- July 14, 15 and August 19, 2021 – Planning and Design Principles Workshop
- September 21-October 31, 2021 – Multimodal Survey
- November 30, 2021 – Public Study Update
- December 2021 – Summary of Feedback and Public Review Concepts
- August 22, 2022 – Imagine East Bank Vision Plan Released
- August 22-September 30, 2022 – Draft Vision Plan Survey
- October 6, 2022 – Imagine East Bank Vision Plan Presented to Metro Planning Commission
Implementation of the Imagine East Bank Plan
- January 12, 2023 – East Bank Master Developer RFQ Published
- May 9, 2023 – East Bank Master Developer RFP Published
- September 12, 2023 – Metro Awards East Bank IDA Master Developer Contract to The Fallon Company
- April 2024 – Metro Council unanimously approves the Master Developer Agreement with The Fallon Company
- April 2024 – The Tennessee General Assembly votes to enable the creation of an East Bank Development Authority
- June 2024 – the Metro Council unanimously approves the establishment of an East Bank Development Authority to oversee work on the East Bank
- August 2024 – Metro Council approves an amendment to extend the Downtown Zoning Code to the East Bank Subdistrict
- November 2024 – Mayor Freddie O'Connell proposes investments in right of way acquisition and infrastructure in his Capital Spending Plan
- March 2025 – The Fallon Company and Metro release a Public Realm Framework and The Fallon Company releases its first Request for Proposals (RFP) for design of Parcel C in the IDA
- April 2025 – Metro hosts a public open house for the East Bank Boulevard