Please send MAC Applications and all completed documents to
Payment assistance for housing and other emergencies are funded through the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG). Applicants must live in Davidson County and meet income eligibility as determined by the Federal Income Guidelines and other program criteria prior to approval of assistance. All assistance is one-time only per application period, which begins October 1 through September 30 of the following year. Applicants can mail or bring completed applications along with required documents to the agency. Customer care hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. for in-person assistance. See listing below for a complete list of program assistance. Customers may also mail or bring their completed applications with all documentation to the drop box or call us Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. For more information call 615-862-8860.
Get information on Income Eligibility Requirements for Metro Action Programs.
To apply for assistance please fill out and submit the application:
- 2024-2025 fillable Metro Action Application for Services
- Self Declaration of Zero Income (If you do not have income, please submit this form with your energy assistance application)
Emergency Assistance Program
Assistance to customers that have had a loss of income within the last 60 days from the time you seek our service. This program assists with Mortgage, Rent Water Prescriptions, Special Diet food, Medical Supplies, Delinquent Property Taxes payments.
Senior Services
Any senior citizen age 65 years and older to receive assistance with mortgage, rent, water and delinquent property tax assistance. This program also provides assistance with prescriptions and special diet foods prescribed by a medical doctor.
Homeless Services
This program provides assistance with deposits for rent, electric and water for individuals that have secured housing after being homeless. We cannot provide help with “final bills” owed to the utility company. You must be referred to us from an agency, church or other program or individuals that are knowledgeable about your situation. Documentation of the referral is required.