We exist to support and value the voice of the community on issues of public safety and to create a pathway towards trust by building a culture of accountability and transparency between Metro Nashville Police and the community.
As the support department for the Community Review Board, we operate the day-to-day functions of the Metro Government and work to improve the relationship between the citizens of Nashville and the department of police. We provide an independent avenue to file complaints related to police misconduct ensuring timely, fair, and objective review of OPA investigations; we engage in extensive community outreach, providing education of public safety and policing matters and opportunity for public input on public safety issues; and we create evidence-based policy proposals to improve MNPD function and transparency.
Parking Instructions
PMC parking garage is located at 147 4th Ave N connected to the Spark building across from the One Nashville building. The L&C building is one block up from the parking garage. Parking for guests will be validated. Please bring your parking ticket to the office for validation.