Filing a Complaint
When Should you File a Complaint of Police Misconduct?
You should file a complaint when you feel that a member of the Metro Nashville Police Department has acted improperly in the course of their work. Whether the complaint is related to discourteous treatment, failure to take action, inaccurate report writing, an unjustified arrest, unnecessary force, or any other police action that you feel is wrong, the Nashville Community Review Board wants to know about it.
Anonymous Complaints of Police Misconduct
Anonymous complaints will be treated with the same importance as any other complaint; however, the Nashville Community Review Board has determined that anonymous complaints cannot be the sole basis for sustaining any charges or allegations without additional evidence.
How to File a Complaint
There are several ways to file a complaint:
- Fill out our Online Complaint Form
- Visit our office at 222 Second Avenue North, Suite 370-M
- Call us at 615-880-1800 or on our 24-Hour Complaint Line, 615-880-1801
- E-Mail your complaint to us at
- Mail your complaint. Simply send us a letter containing the details of your complaint.
Filing a Commendation
The primary goal of Community Review is to analyze the Office of Professional Accountability (OPA) investigations into allegations of police misconduct against Metro Nashville Police officers to ensure the consistency, thoroughness, accuracy, and completeness of those investigations. However, the agency is also charged with reducing tension between police and the public by fostering increased communication and understanding. Consistent with this goal, we offer citizens the opportunity to commend officers who do exemplary work servicing the public.
If you have witnessed an officer doing something that deserves praise and you would like to submit a commendation, you may fill out the commendation form on our website.
Once completed, we will send the commendation form to the officer’s supervisor, Please include as much of the requested information as possible so that the commendation can be received by the appropriate officer.