Alarm Registration Renewals
All alarm registration renewals are due annually on or before the end of the month in which the initial permit was issued.
We encourage all permit holders to file for renewal through ePermits, Metro’s online application and processing system. Renewal through ePermits will provide instant verification that an application has been processed and payment has been received. When the payment and registration form have been received, customers will be able to print their own permit.
About Alarm Registration
The alarm registration ordinance (Metropolitan Code §10.60) was enacted to reduce the number of false burglar and fire alarms reported. This ordinance was amended in 2022 so renewal registrations are due annually on or before the end of the month in which the initial permit was issued (Alarm Permits Amendment). Registration creates a database for emergency personnel to know where alarm systems are located and who to contact in case of alarm activation. Citizens are encouraged to train other residents or employees on the use of their alarm system to prevent false alarms.
Registration Procedure
I. Registration
Registration Online
Register for a new permit using ePermits.
Renewal Online
You must have your renewal notice invoice to pay online. It has the information needed to complete the process and payment each year.
Follow the instructions on the back of your Alarm Registration Renewal Invoice to renew your alarm permit online.
A 2.3% convenience fee will be charged on all credit/debit card transactions online. This fee is collected by a third-party processor. Metro does not receive any part of the fee. By making an online payment, you have acknowledged you understand the convenience fee will charged as calculated above and you have agreed to pay the fee. Your payment will then be submitted for processing.
Registration by Mail
You may also fill out and mail the alarm registration form along with your payment to:
Alarm Registration
P.O. Box 196321
Nashville, Tennessee 37219-6321
Registration in Person
A permit may be obtained in person at:
Department of Codes and Building Safety
Alarm Registration Division
800 President Ronald Reagan Way
Nashville, Tennessee 37210
Alarm Registration is located in the Metro Office Building, on the third floor.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Closed on all Metro Government observed holidays.
II. Payment
The permit fee is $20.00 for residential systems and $50.00 for commercial systems. All permits expire one year from date of permit issuance.
Make your check or money order payable to Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
There is a kiosk with a computer outside the office for your convenience where you may use your credit card.
III. Permit and Permit Display
When the payment and registration form have been received, customers will be able to print their own permit.
The current alarm registration permit provided each permittee shall be displayed so as to be easily visible from the outside front of the building.
Change of Registration Information
Changes are accepted at the time of renewal each year without an additional fee.
You may change your alarm permit registration to another address located in Davidson County by mailing the registration form with the change to the Alarm Registration Office.
If you change your mailing address only, please mail or email the registration form, requesting the change along with your name, permit address, permit number and a phone number where we can contact you. There is no fee for changing only the mailing address.
Alarm Permit Cancellation
You may cancel your permit by mail or by email, There is no fee for cancellations.
For further information send requests to or call 615-862-6779.