One of the Primary responsibilities of the Department of Codes and Building Safety is to issue building permits and the related trades permits. While Metro offers an online permitting system for registered contractors, customers may schedule for an appointment to apply for their permits in person or submit permit application documents to
E-Permits System
This electronic, web-based system allows contractors to schedule and request inspections, obtain the required permits for their building project, and pay permit fees electronically.
Who Can Obtain A Permit
A property owner who presently occupies or intends to occupy a single-family residence or a licensed contractor may obtain a building permit to construct or repair a residence.
Coordinating Agency
The Codes Department is the "umbrella" agency that administers permits in Metro government. We have created links with various other departments with an interest in the permit process, linking them electronically to the permitting database in what is called permit tracking.
Contractor Licensing Renewal System
Contractors can now renew their licenses online using our internet based renewal service.
Renew Contractor Licenses Online
Electronic Plans Review
Building plans can now be submitted to the Codes Department electronically. The process allows "one" set of plans to be submitted and reviewed by all city departments concurrently, with all viewing the same set of plans.
Metro Drawing Requirements and How to Submit Drawings for Electronic Plans Review
Use and Occupancy Letters
The final step in the building permit process is the issuance of a Use and Occupancy Letter certifying that the building has met the minimum standards of the building code. Learn more about the steps you should take before inquiring about a Use and Occupancy letter for your project.
Emergency Electrical Reconnects
The Department of Codes and Building Safety provides twenty-four hour assistance to any emergency electrical service reconnect call.
For detailed information about Emergency Electrical Service Reconnections, download the Emergency Electrical Reconnect Plan brochure.