Due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, the Development Services Center located at 800 2nd Avenue South will be closed to the public effective Monday, November 30, 2020. Though the Center will be closed, building permit application review and issuance and other development services will remain available online and in person under limited circumstances as outlined below. The Center will remain closed through January 4, 2021, at which point we will make a determination whether to re-open based on the status of COVID-19 in Nashville and Davidson County.
Metro Codes
- Building permit applications can be made by emailing permitapplication@nashville.gov. Please include the address, the scope of the project, and a site plan. It is very important that you also include a phone number. Short term rental permit applications may be submitted to david.frabutt@nashville.gov. Registered contractors may apply for building and trades permits via the online ePermits system. The ePermits system can also be used to make online payments for permits, check the status of inspections and reviews, and renew licenses and registrations. More information regarding this process can be found in the ePermits User Guide.
- If you would like to discuss a particular project you may e-mail zoningappointments@nashville.gov. Please provide your name, phone number, and the address for the project. Once an appointment has been scheduled you will be e-mailed a confirmation. To ask general zoning questions about a specific property, you may email zoningquestions@nashville.gov.
- We strongly encourage electronic plans be submitted at the ePlans website. However, a Plans Review team member will be available to receive paper plans from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Development Services Center.
- Permits can be paid for and issued electronically. Please contact codespermitpay@nashville.gov to arrangement payment and to receive your building permit.
Metro Water Services
- Metro Water Services accept payments in the Development Services Center Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please have your water, sewer, or stormwater permit(s) set up prior to attempting payment. You may drop off a check at our front desk in the Center or you may pay with a credit card payment through one our permit writers.
- Meter pick-up and meter exchanges will continue to be on Tuesday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Center.
- If you have any permit related questions please email mws.ds@nashville.gov.
Metro Planning
The Planning Department Front Counter (J) will be open in the Development Services Center on an appointment only basis. To make an appointment please email planningstaff@nashville.gov. No walk-ins, please.
Fire Marshal
General inquiries regarding plan review processes, request for review of single-family dwellings and demolition permits may be submitted via email to FMOPlans@nashville.gov. For information regarding fire sprinkler system related reviews please email FMOSprinklers@nashville.gov for assistance. To schedule Fire Life Safety or Short-Term-Rental Inspections contact FMORequest@nashville.gov.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience in our efforts to promote public health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.