In order to apply for a Short Term Rental Property permit, the applicant must notify adjacent properties of the application. This can be done either through in-person conversations with neighbors that result in a signature from the property owner, or mailed notification letters. Most applicants opt for the latter.
Regardless of method, the first step is identifying the property owners that need to be contacted. Note that the property owner may be different from the tenant. Applicants are required to notify the owner of the property as identified through the Davidson County Property Assessor. This information can be found using Metro's ParcelViewer app.
First, enter the address of the Short Term Rental Property applicant property by clicking on the eyeglass at the top right corner and entering either the address or owner in the bottom screen.
Then, after the property is selected, you can click on the adjacent properties to find the property owner information you need. When clicking on the parcel, click “View Parcel Details” and the information will populate to the left sidebar. In that sidebar, click on “Ownership History” to find the owner name and mailing address of the relevant properties.
In many cases, there will be at least four properties identified that must be notified, however, cul-de-sac and corner lots can require more notices due to multiple properties being directly in the line of sight to the applicant property. Permits for apartments require the written consent of the apartment complex owner/manager that it is a permitted use.
Mid-block Property
Corner Lot Property
Once the adjacent properties and mailing addresses are identified, the applicant can use either the Owner Occupied or Not-Owner Occupied form letters to send notifications to the property owners.
- Proof of Notification for Owner Occupied Short Term Rental Property permit applications
- Proof of Notification for Not-Owner Occupied Short Term Rental Property permit applications
Please note, that notice is required to property owners even if it is a non-residential, vacant, or public property. Proof of notification can be acquired by sending the letters via USPS certified mail.
When applying for a permit, please bring copies of the letters sent as well as the tracking numbers showing the mail was delivered to the property owners.
Using Create Mailing List
An alternative way to create a mailing list is to use the “Create Mailing List” feature provided by the Metro Planning Department.
This mapping tool is designed to allow users to print mailing lists based on distance buffers (in feet) but can be used to target adjacent properties and export a mailing list.
When using the tool, you can either zoom into your property area, or find your property by using the Parcel Number or Address feature.
Once your address has been located, you’ll want to click on the “Shape” option under at the top, which will open up three options on the right: “Point,” “Line,” and “Polygon.”
Select the “Line” function, and then move your cursor above an adjacent property. Once you click on the mouse, hold the button and move the cursor around all of the adjacent properties and then release the button.
Now that all of the parcels have been selected, you can click on the “Export to Excel” button at the top of the list of properties, at the bottom of your screen. Save this list and use it to address the mailings to the “Owner Address,” which is their preferred mailing address in the property assessor records.