You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Submitted for the year ending December 31: Employee name: First name Last name List Anything of Value you have received as defined in Section 2.222.010(link is external) of the Metropolitan Code of Laws other than donations in connection with political campaigns made and reported in compliance with Tennessee election laws. Benefit type may be described by reference to the following abbreviations: M = Meals, food, and beverage items A = Admissions, tickets to events, or other access (including parking) T = Travel expense O = Other (describe) I have benefits to report. Yes No List of benefits received: Show row weights Re-order Source: Date; Benefit type: Value: Weight Operations Source: Date; Benefit type: - None -MATO Value: Item weight Add more items more items Email address: Please provide a valid email address if you would like to receive a copy of your submission. Attestation Under penalty of perjury, the information contained herein is true to the best of my information and belief. Electronic Signature: Date: Leave this field blank