Public Hearing Notice
Current Public Hearing Notice posted in The Nashville Ledger
Speaking at a Public Hearing
Members of the public may address the entire Council body only at a scheduled public hearing. Public Hearings on zoning matters are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Other public hearings for non-zoning matters may be held as part of regular Council meetings throughout the year.
Public Hearing Procedure
The Vice Mayor will open the public hearing for a particular legislative item and ask for a show of hands of those in favor and those opposed to the legislation. Citizens will have 2 minutes to speak, and must identify themselves by name and home address before addressing the Council. An individual may address the Council only once for each particular piece of legislation. Individuals are encouraged not to repeat what has been said by previous speakers.
Documents Submitted for the Record
If you wish to submit petitions or other documents to be included in the official record of the proceedings, you may do so once you approach the podium to speak. Please indicate you have documents you wish to submit, and the Council’s sergeant at arms will be instructed to retrieve the documents from you and submit them to the Metro Clerk to become part of the official record of the proceedings on this public hearing item.
Distribution of Written Material to the Council
If a member of the public would like to provide the Metropolitan Council members with written material regarding an issue, he/she must provide forty-one copies of the document to the Metropolitan Council Office not later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the Council Meeting. The Council Office is located in Suite 204 on the second floor of the Historic Metropolitan Courthouse at the opposite end of the Council Chamber. The written material must be signed by the individual requesting distribution and have the name and address of the individual providing the material.