You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. This Annual Disclosure Statement is submitted in compliance with Section 2.222.030(link is external) of the Metropolitan Code. Submitted for the year ending December 31: Name: Position/Office: List all sources of your income for the preceding calendar year: Gifts from family members and relatives by blood or marriage need not be disclosed. To the best of your knowledge, list all sources of income for your spouse for the preceding year: Gifts from family members and relatives by blood or marriage need not be disclosed. Do you or your spouse presently have a financial interest of at least 5% (five percent) of any business with operations, offices, or interests in the Metropolitan Nashville area? Yes No Please provide information for each business: Show row weights Re-order Yourself or Spouse Business Name Business Address Percent of interest (if known) Weight Operations Yourself or Spouse - Select -YourselfSpouse Business Name Business Address Percent of interest (if known) Item weight Add more items more items Do you or your spouse have a direct or indirect financial interest in any real property located in Davidson County, excluding your primary residence? Yes No Indirect interests indicate interests of greater than 5% in Real Estate Investment Trusts, other trusts in which you hold a beneficial interest in excess of 5% and other legal entities whose primary business is real estate related. Please provide information for each property: Show row weights Re-order Yourself or Spouse Property Name Property Address Weight Operations Yourself or Spouse - Select -YourselfSpouse Property Name Property Address Item weight Add more items more items Do you or your spouse hold any paid or unpaid position with any for-profit entity, non-profit entity, labor group, or educational or other institution which you have not already listed on this form? Yes No Please provide information for each position: Show row weights Re-order Yourself or Spouse Position Entity Weight Operations Yourself or Spouse - Select -YourselfSpouse Position Entity Item weight Add more items more items Do you or your spouse have a financial interest in, or are you or a family member a party to, any litigation involving the Metropolitan Government? Yes No Describe each: Do you or your spouse have any* debts, guarantees, or endorsements of debts aggregating over $5,000 owed to any one creditor? Yes No *Excluding liabilities owed to a family member or relative by blood or marriage, and excluding loans from established financial institutions made in the ordinary course of business on usual and customary terms. Describe each: Do you or your spouse have any debts in excess of $5,000 which are secured by a guarantee or collateral of any individual other than a family member or a relative by blood or marriage? Yes No Describe each: Email address: Please provide a valid email address if you would like to receive a copy of your submission. Attestation Under penalty of perjury, the information contained herein is true to the best of my information and belief. Electronic Signature: Date: Leave this field blank