Whereas, on April 30, 2020, the Chief Medical Director issued Order 4, Cloth Face Coverings or Masks Order, pursuant to the Declaration of Public Health Emergency adopted by the Board of Health for Nashville and Davidson County on March 15, 2020; and
Whereas, to further protect the public health, employees should be required to wear cloth face coverings or masks when interacting with the public or co-workers at the workplace or worksites.
Whereas, action remains necessary to protect the public health of the citizens of Nashville and Davidson County, to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, and prevent the spread of virus to others.
Now therefore, Michael C Caldwell MD MPH, Chief Medical Director of Health directs and orders the following:
- I. Order 4 as amended is hereby reinstated and extended to 11:59 PM CDT on June 30, 2020; and
Except as modified by this Reinstatement and Extension, all terms and conditions set forth in Order 4 as amended shall remain in full force and effect.
Ordered, effective, and issued: June 12, 2020
Michael C. Caldwell, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Director of Health