I, Bill Purcell, Mayor of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County by virtue of the power and authority vested in me, do hereby direct and order that:
I. There is hereby established the Information Systems Council, (ISC), to provide guidance and direction with regard to technology issues affecting the operations of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
II. The mission of the ISC is to ensure that departmental information technology decisions and initiatives are consistent with the overall strategy of the Metropolitan Government with respect to information technology. The responsibility of the ISC is to promote communication, accountability and organizational coordination in the implementation of that strategy to reduce operational costs and improve services to the public.
III. Functions of the ISC.
1. Determination of Information Technology Strategy
The ISC will provide overall strategic direction for the Department of Information Systems. This function includes the establishment of policies and procedures for information technology and decisions of whether to proceed on specific projects. The ISC will review policies and proposals submitted by departments and will evaluate their cost-benefit viability.
2. Establish information technology standards for the Metropolitan Government.
3. Oversee the development and maintenance of an information systems strategic plan for the Metropolitan Government, including its various departments and agencies.
4. Project Accountability
The ISC will monitor and take joint responsibility with the Department of Information Systems for the success of information technology projects. Individuals who are designated as project managers for departmental or multi-departmental projects will provide updates to the ISC, to enable it to monitor schedules and consistency with Metro's current strategies and needs.
5. Review After Project Completion
The ISC will review completed projects to ensure expected results were achieved and to review mistakes as a "lessons learned" process.
6. Sounding Board for New Ideas
The ISC will act as a sounding board for new ideas and initiatives, thus taking a proactive approach to exploring new enterprise solutions.
7. Evaluation of Information Technology Opportunities and Project Priorities
Due to the rapid emergence of new technologies and the dynamic redirections of user requirements, information technology opportunities and projects will be re-evaluated and prioritized on an on-going basis. This will facilitate the implementation of projects in a timely fashion and will accommodate the ever changing user requirements and business needs.
8. Education
ISC members will participate in educational opportunities, such as high-level briefings, on the latest technologies. ISC members should be encouraged as well to proactively seek out "best practices" examples within business and government through affiliations with local businesses and through regional or national municipal associations.
IV. Membership
1. The ISC shall have ten (10) voting members and two non-voting ex officio members
2. The following positions shall be permanent voting members of the ISC
a. Director of Finance
b. Director of Information Systems
c. Director of Law
d. Chief of Police
e. Chair of the JIS Policy Committee
f. Chief Librarian
g. Director of Schools
3. The remaining three voting members shall be rotating positions selected by the Mayor for terms of one (1) year each.
a. One (1) member from the elected officials of the Metropolitan Government.
b. One (1) member from a large Department of Metro Government not permanently represented on the Council.
c. One (1) member from a small Department of Metro Government not permanently represented on the council.
4. The Vice-Mayor and Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee shall be non-voting ex officio members.
5. All members shall be able to select designees to appear at meetings of the ISC.
6. The Director of Finance shall serve as the Chair of the ISC.
7. The Director of Information Systems shall serve as the Vice-Chair and exercise all functions of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable.
V. Meetings
1. The ISC shall hold regular meetings not less than once per quarter. The regular meetings will be held at a date, time and place to be determined by the Chair.
2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by request of three (3) permanent members as necessary.
3. A quorum shall consist of five (5) voting members.
VI. Chief Information Officer
The Director of the Department of Information Systems is hereby designated to assume the additional responsibilities of Chief Information officer (CIO) for the Metropolitan Government. These responsibilities shall include:
a. Information Technology (IT) advice to the Mayor and senior management staff, coordinating strategic planning and initiatives.
b. Coordination of IT issues among Metro Agencies, Metro Elected Officials, related Metro agencies, regional municipalities, and the State of Tennessee.
c. Advocate the most efficient and cost effective use of Metro IT resources for the benefit of all Metro departments and agencies.
Ordered, Effective and Issued.
Bill Purcell
Date: September 24, 2001