Karl F. Dean , Mayor
SUBJECT: Criminal justice planning advisory board
I, Karl Dean, Mayor of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me, do hereby amend Executive Order No. 027 and find, direct and order the following:
I. The Metropolitan Council has established, by ordinance No. BL2005-558 the Criminal Justice Planning Unit (CJPU) as a department of the Metropolitan Government; and,
II. It is in the best interest of the citizens of the Metropolitan Government that an advisory board continually review the work performed and information generated by the CJPU, and to make reports and recommendations to the Mayor regarding the same.
III. There is a Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board ("Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board") for the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
IV. The responsibilities of the Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board are:
1. to make reports and recommendations to the Mayor regarding the performance of the CJPU and its Director;
2. to make reports and recommendations to the Mayor regarding candidates for the position of Director of the CJPU; and,
3. to make reports and recommendations to the Mayor regarding the information and reports provided by the CJPU.
V. Membership – The following positions shall be permanent voting members of the Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board:
1. a. Davidson County Sheriff
b. Metropolitan Public Defender
c. District Attorney General
d. Metropolitan Police Chief
e. Criminal Court Clerk
f. Juvenile Court Judge
g. One designee of the Judges of the Davidson County Criminal Courts
h. One designee of the Judges of the Davidson County General Sessions Courts
2. All members shall be able to select designees to appear at meetings of the Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board.
3. The members shall select from among themselves a Chair of the Board
VI. Meetings
1. The Criminal Justice Planning Advisory Board shall hold regular meetings not less than once per annual quarter. The regular meetings will be held at a date, time, and place to be determined by the Chair.
2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or by request of three (3) members, as necessary.
Ordered, Effective and Issued:
Karl F. Dean
Date: March 31, 2015