Karl F. Dean , Mayor
SUBJECT: Complete Streets Policy
I, Karl Dean, Mayor of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me, do hereby find, direct, and order the following:
I. The Metropolitan Government desires to support and encourage a transportation system that is safe and convenient for all users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation through the development of Complete Streets.
II. Public Ways are public streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, greenways and similar infrastructure.
III. Complete Streets are Public Ways that include some combination of appropriate facilities, as determined by the surrounding context, that accommodate all modes of transportation, including private vehicles, mass transit, walking, and bicycling.
IV. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Green Ribbon Report on Environmental Sustainability, the Nashville Livability Project Report, and the Healthy Nashville Leadership Council have all endorsed or recommended Complete Streets because of their mitigating impact on air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and public health problems such as obesity and asthma, and traffic hazards for pedestrians and bicyclists.
1. Policy In conjunction with projects relating to the design, planning, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or maintenance of Public Ways, departments, boards and commissions of the Metropolitan Government shall:
a. Give full consideration to the accommodation of the transportation needs of all users, regardless of age or ability, including those traveling by private vehicle, mass transit, foot, and bicycle;
b. Review all current Public Way plans, guides, regulations and standard drawings to comply with this Executive Order.
2. Exclusions. Appropriate justifications for excluding accommodations for specific transportation needs include, but are not limited to, findings that:
a. Specific Complete Streets principles are prohibited by law, such as bicycle and pedestrian facilities within interstate highway corridors;
b. The cost of complying with this Policy on a particular project would substantially exceed the public value to be realized, taking into consideration the need and probable use of the project;
c. A scarcity of population or other factors such as the physical character or context of the built environment surrounding the Public Way area indicates an absence of current or future need; or
d. Compliance with this Policy would substantially impair unique characteristics of great public value, such as historical importance.
3. Implementation. A decision to exclude accommodations for specific transportation needs made after appropriate consideration under this Policy shall be documented with supporting data that indicate the basis for the decision.
Ordered, Effective and Issued:
Karl F. Dean
Date: October 6, 2010