SUBJECT: Verification and monitoring of ADA compliance.
WHEREAS, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) required cities to complete a self-evaluation by January 1993 which includes the following elements:
(a) Identify each of its services, programs and activities and determine if any of their buildings, other facilities and streets constitute or contain barriers to participation by disabled persons.
(b) Review their services, policies and practices in order to identify modifications needed to enable full participation by disabled persons.
(c) Review and identify ways to increase the effectiveness of communications with the disabled.
(d) Review procedures for evacuating facilities in emergencies and identify where visual and audible warning signals should be installed.
(e) Provide opportunities for public participation, including disabled persons, in the evaluation process and keep a list of the persons consulted; and,
WHEREAS, by July 1992 cities were to develop transition plans for bringing all barriers identified in the self-evaluation into compliance with the requirements of the ADA by January 26, 1995; and
WHEREAS, the transition plans were to include a separate schedule for installation of curb ramps on sidewalks at pedestrian crossings; and
WHEREAS, cities were to generate status reports to document the progress toward achieving compliance for each of its programs, services, activities and facilities; and
WHEREAS, accessibility, once achieved, must be maintained, and new construction and alteration of publicly-owned facilities must be monitored for compliance with the ADA; and
WHEREAS, documentation of the Metropolitan Government's progress toward elimination of barriers has not been centralized and it is therefore difficult to report the degree of compliance with the ADA that has been achieved; and
WHEREAS, there is a need to gather and review documentation of selfevaluations, transition plans and progress reports compiled by the various agencies of the Metropolitan Government in order to determine the degree of compliance with the ADA and whether further action is necessary to achieve compliance; and
WHEREAS, a task force composed of Metropolitan Government personnel is the most thorough and expeditious way to accomplish the tasks of review and recommendation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Philip Bredesen, Mayor of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by virtue of the power and authority vested in me, do hereby direct and order the following:
Creation of Task Force. There is hereby created a task force to be known as the ADA Task Force.
Composition of Task Force. The ADA Task Force shall consist of the following persons:
Sam McPherson, Director, Department of General Services
Randall Dunn, Acting Director, Department of Public Works
Gayle Ray, Sheriff of Metropolitan Davidson County
Jeff Browning, Executive Director, Metropolitan Planning Commission
Donna Nicely, Director, Metropolitan Public Library
Jim Fyke, Director, Parks and Recreation
Bob Babbit, Executive Director, Metropolitan Transport Authority
Joe Edgens, Planning and Construction, Metropolitan Board of Education
Larry Stephenson, Court Administrator, State Trial Courts
Susan Brumfield, ADA Coordinator Metropolitan Department of Human Resources
Jackie Page, Disability Information Director, Metropolitan Social Services
Trisha Griggs, member of the Mayor's Advisory Committee for Disability
Matt Foster, Office of the Mayor
The Task Force shall be chaired by Marlin Keel, Capital Projects Director.
Duties of Task Force. The ADA Task Force shall:
1 . Determine the steps that the Metropolitan Government has taken to comply with the ADA.
2. Review the transition plans and compile one comprehensive transition plan for submission to the Mayor's Office.
3. Recommend to the Mayor any additional steps that should be taken to insure that the Metropolitan Government maintains compliance with the ADA.
Report. The ADA Task Force shall make a final report to the Mayor of its findings and recommendations not later than July 31, 1999.
Effective Date. This Executive Order shall become effective on April 1999.
Ordered this 9th day of April 1999.
Philip Bredesen