In early June, the Metropolitan Beer Permit Board started accepting requests for pre-inspection measurements. According to Beer Board Executive Director Benton McDonough, “With the continued growth of Nashville, we have seen a surge in the number of inquiries for property measurements prior to applicants submitting their beer application. We have also seen a few instances where an applicant signed a lease or purchased a property only to find out that the property was located too close to a school, place of worship, or other exempted property.”
Mr. McDonough said, “At the end of the day, a knowledgeable and educated applicant will improve all of our processes at the Beer Board. If you have an applicant who makes a decision on a piece of property with the knowledge that it would violate the distance requirements or not, I think that’s a winning strategy for all parties involved.” Mr. McDonough went on to say that his team saw this as an opportunity to provide a crucial service to business people within the beer industry while also creating a new stream of revenue for the taxpayers of Metro-Nashville Davidson County.
The service is $100.00, and is available to anyone contemplating purchasing or leasing a piece of property for the purposes of selling beer in Metro-Nashville. The board has already conducted six such measurements in the first few weeks. If interested, contact the Beer Board at: 615-862-6751, or by email at: