Who may appoint poll watchers?
- Each political party – political party means an organization which nominates candidates for public office
- Each candidate in a general or primary election
- Any citizens’ organization interested in a question on the ballot
- Any citizens’ organization interested in the integrity of the election process
How are poll watchers appointed?
- A list of appointees must be submitted to the Davidson County Election Commission in writing and be signed by the person or organization authorized to make the appointment
- The same person may be appointed to serve in more than one polling location
- A poll watcher must be age seventeen (17) or older by Election Day
- A poll watcher must be a resident of Tennessee, but does not have to live in Davidson County
Who may not be appointed as a poll watcher?
- Anyone who is a candidate for an office on the ballot
- The spouse of a candidate
When must appointments be submitted to the Davidson County Election Commission?
- No later than 12 noon two (2) business days before Early Voting begins
- No later than 12 noon two (2) business days before Election Day
How must appointments be submitted to the Davidson County Election Commission?
Submit appointments by the deadline in one of the following ways:
- Scan signed list and email to: helpvote@nashville.gov
- Hand-deliver signed list to the Davidson County Election Commission Main Office:
Metro Southeast Facility
1417 Murfreesboro Pk
Davidson County Election Commission
What must a poll watcher do upon arriving at the polling place?
- Show their poll watcher badge to the Poll Officer
- Sign the Visitor Log and present photo ID
- Wear the poll watcher badge provided by the Davidson County Election Commission at all times while in the polling place
What activities are permitted?
- Watch and inspect performance in and around the polling place
- Speak to the Poll Officer
- Challenge voters, through the Poll Officer
- Present a protest of any aspect of the election to the Poll Officer or Davidson County Election Commission
- Be present during all proceedings at the polling place
What activities are prohibited?
- Interfere with any voter in preparing or casting their ballot
- Prevent election officials from performing their duties
- Observe the giving of assistance to a voter
- Wear campaign material of any kind during the performance of their duties as a poll watcher
- Speak to voters; this includes greeting the voter or standing in the doorway where the voter enters
- Exit the room of the Absentee Counting Board after the counting of ballots begins
- Possess or use electronic devices when observing the duties of the Absentee Counting Board
May poll watchers engage in campaign activities?
- No campaign activity is permitted inside the 100-foot boundary/inside the polling place
- Campaign activities are allowed outside the 100-foot boundary/campaign-free zone