DDC Classes
Defensive Driving classes (DDC-6 and DDC-4) begin promptly at scheduled time. Those who are tardy will not be allowed entrance and will need to reschedule their session. Employees must bring their valid driver’s license with them for admittance to DDC training. Please note that DDC classes are not held in the traffic school section of the MSE building. Employees should enter on the south side of the building under the awning labeled “MAIN ENTRANCE”.
Per Metro Ordinance, if an employee drives a Metro vehicle, or if the employee uses a personal vehicle for governmental business and claims mileage reimbursement, he / she must take Defensive Driving (DDC-6) initially, and complete DDC-4 every three years. Metro Ordinance 12.08.120 states …”no person shall operate a vehicle, the operation of which is reimbursable...unless and until such person has completed the defensive driving course of the National Safety Council...and is in possession of proof of such completion".
Class Size Limits
Most classes are limited to 35 while some are set for smaller groups. It is very important that those with direct access to the database scheduling follow these limits. The limit is set to comply with safety guidelines for room use. Online class size is not limited to physical space and is generally kept to no more than 60 enrollees.
Inclement Weather Policy
Classes are automatically cancelled when Nashville/Davidson County Schools are closed for snow or inclement weather. Check for school closings on local television channels. It is the responsibility of the employee to confirm with their department when they are registered for any make-up session. If schools are delayed due to weather the training classes will not delay and begin at scheduled time.
Registration for Courses
Register for classes by sending an email to your departmental training coordinator. For those departments without training coordinators, your supervisor should send in the request to the HR Training Requests mailbox (hrtrainingrequests@nashville.gov). Employees must register for all classes in order to attend.
Training Center Location
Metro Southeast is located at 1417 Murfreesboro Pike (Genesco Park). Enter the main driveway and pass the four-story building nearest Murfreesboro Pike. Parking is available to the right or left of the driveway. Enter the building through the south entrance under the awning that is marked “Main Entrance”. The security guard in the lobby will direct you to your classroom. All entrances are accessible. If other accommodations are needed, contact Dirk Essary (HR) at 615-862-4344.
Mandatory Training
includes Sexual Harassment Prevention, Drug-Free Workplace Policy, Diversity and Inclusion training and Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy. All employees (Non-supervisors and Supervisors) must complete these classes. Employees are required to complete retraining every four years.