Today, Mayor John Cooper joined the 2022 Bordeaux North Nashville Participatory Budgeting steering committee for the city project selection unveiling.
During the 2022 cycle, Bordeaux and North Nashville residents 14 years and older were eligible to cast ballots online, by mail and in person for their top five city project choices on a list of 25 potential projects. Those ideas – which all came from Bordeaux and North Nashville residents - were on showcase at an October 12 voting expo at the Hadley-Lillard Park Community Center. The Participatory Budgeting steering committee reviewed and adopted final results on December 15.
After more than 3,000 votes from residents living in the Bordeaux-North Nashville neighborhoods, the following 11 city infrastructure projects were chosen:
- WeGo Bus Shelter 300 feet from 4007 Clarksville Hwy
- Bordeaux Library Land Acquisition
- Upgrades to Moormans Arm Road/Whites Creek Pike Drains
- Speed cushions on Haynes Park Drive, Kingsview Drive and East Fairview Drive
- Improvements to Pearl-Cohn High School – new HVAC unit and practice field water unit
- Playground Equipment for Preschoolers at Ivanetta H. Davis Early Learning Center
- Traffic Calming in Historic North Nashville
- Beautification of Hadley-Lillard Park
- Improve Hartman Park with an interactive chalk wall
- Bordeaux Gateway Beautification & Art
- Looby Community Center and Library Revitalization with a mural and outdoor
Now, a volunteer-led participatory budgeting steering committee will work with Mayor Cooper and Metro Council to move these investments forward.
“The participatory budget process is a revolutionary, grassroots approach to budgeting that allows Nashvillians to connect their neighborhood’s priorities with public spending,” said Mayor John Cooper. “There is immense value in our Nashville neighborhoods stepping up and speaking up for their friends, families, and communities.”
One of this cycle’s final projects – upgrades to Moormans Arm Road/Whites Creek Pike Drains – was proposed by Sara Davis, a North Nashville native and 2022 Budget Delegate.
“I can say this was the first time I have worked so intimately within our local government driving improvements for my community of North Nashville,” said Davis. “Likewise, this opportunity really showed by action that our Mayor, John Cooper, is committed to community. Beyond fielding questions and concerns, Mayor Cooper empowered residents to make direct change in areas we feel most necessary. Granting this program with upwards of $2 million, allowing residents to submit and approve the way funds are spent is a perfect model for advancing community engagement.”
The mayor introduced participatory budgeting – used in cities across the U.S. and the world - to Nashville for the first time with a $2 million investment in his FY2021 capital spending plan. He renewed that commitment in his FY2022 capital budget. In December 2022, Metro’s Financial Oversight Committee recommended $10 million in ARP funds be used for a citywide Participatory Budgeting 2023 cycle. Metro Council will vote on this recommendation this month.
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