Each community has different needs, but the following is a list of projects that have been done during the 2021 and 2022 Bordeaux and North Nashville PB cycles:
- A new pavilion - with a pathway, fencing and picnic tables - plus an upgraded playground with new equipment and rubber surfacing at Bordeaux Gardens Park, 1490 Snell Boulevard
- An air conditioning system for the gym at the Looby Community Center, 2301 Rosa Parks Boulevard
- Six sets of speed bumps on Hinkle Drive in the Bordeaux Hills neighborhood, to keep speeds there between 15 and 20 miles per hour
- A better playground at Hartman Park, with new equipment, rubber surfacing and ramps for better accessibility
- Landscape improvements at Hartman Park
- Bus Shelter 300 feet from 4007 Clarksville Hwy.
- Bordeaux Library Land Acquisition
- Upgrades to Moormans Arm Rd/Whites Creek Pike Drains