It is a goal of the city to protect significant historic properties. Follows are multiple ways that may be accomplished, outside of historic overlays.
Historic Classifications
Historic properties, outside of historic overlays, are classified via architectural resource surveys which includes documentation and research. Certain classifications could require action from our department when planning demolition, development or rezoning. Classifications include: listed in the National Register (NR), eligible to be listed in the National Register (NRE), and Worthy of Conservation (WOC). WOC properties are either simply worthy of conservation but not eligible for listing in the National Register or need to be further assessed with an intensive level survey.
Classifications for specific properties may be researched by turning on the "historic district" layer in Parcel Viewer. Because classifications change as properties age and as more information is discovered, applicants are encouraged to contact us to confirm classification. 615-862-7970. x0
Historic Review Outside of Historic Overlays
Archaeological Sites
The Metro Historical Commission reviews development projects for known and potential archaeological resources. Based on the nature of the project and resources, staff will recommend documentation and/or Level I, II or III excavation. Contact for more information.
Historical Cemeteries
Metro Historical Commission has developed a set of cemetery guidelines to assist property owners and developers with the preservation and planning for historical burial grounds. Visit our Preservation Resources page to access the guidelines and other resources for cemeteries.
Listed or Eligible to be Listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NR)
Properties may be listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NR) via a review process with the state historic preservation office and the National Park Service or they may, through research and survey, be classified as eligible for listing in the National Register (NRE). Following the guidance and policies of the state historic preservation office and the National Park Service, NR and NRE properties are treated in the same manner. If rezoning is requested for a property that includes a site eligible to be or listed in the National Register, the Metro Historical Commission or Councilmember may request to Landmark the historic portion, recommend an archaeological study, and/or request funding for a historic marker.
If is demo of a building/site that is eligible to be or listed in the National Register is requested, the Metro Historical Commission or Councilmember may instigate a 90-day hold. The Metro Historical Commission does not review the demolition application, meaning it will not be determining whether or not the building can be demolished. The demo application is reviewed by the Codes Dept.
The hold is to provide opportunity to document the site with photographs and possibly measured drawings prior to loss of the building for the purpose of future research and to discuss the possibility of rehab, salvage opportunities, and financial and zoning incentives for rehabilitation. Once the hold is lifted, the Codes Dept completes their review of the demo application. Applications may be tracked via epermits.
Contact to begin discussion and schedule documentation.
These are properties determined to have been constructed prior to 1865. If demo is requested for a pre-1865 building, it is possible that demo can be denied by Council Ordinance BL2006-936.
If rezoning is requested, the Metro Historical Commission and Councilmember may request to Landmark the historic portion, recommend an archaeological study, and/or request funding for a historic marker.
Contact to begin discussions.