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2025 Newsletters
- February 2025: Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture on February 14; update on ongoing public archaeology projects; reminder--Preservation Awards deadline March 2; MHZC updates; More Than A Name program at Nashville City Cemetery; Don Cusic Nashville Music History Lecture Series; Peace Summit at Belmont University with Fisk University and Queen's University Belfast; Black History Month programs around town
- January 2025: Phase 4 of county-wide cemetery survey; continuing work on Underrepresented Communities grant; funding received for Trail of Tears signage; Nashville Sites "North Nashville Community Leaders" driving tour launched; reminder--nominations open for 2025 Preservation Awards; reminder--Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture on February 14; preservation partner spotlight on Nashville Historical Foundation (formerly Metro Historical Commission Foundation)
2024 Newsletters
- December 2024: Phase 3 of Davidson County Cemetery Survey on website; ongoing work at Hubbard House funded by National Trust for Historic Preservation grant; consultant firm chosen for Underrepresented Communities grant; call for nominations for 2025 Preservation Awards--deadline March 3; annual Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture to be held on February 14, 2025; HNI Nashville Nine announced; a weekend of activities for the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Nashville December 13-16
- November 2024: marker ceremonies for Ed Temple, Robert E. Lillard, and Coach Cornelius Ridley; Phase 3 of cemetery survey; documentation survey of 20th century African American residential neighborhoods; potential neighborhood conservation overlay for Green Hills neighborhood; Broadway district reviewing design guidelines; call for nominations for 2025 Preservation Awards; new Historic Cemetery Guidelines published; Lucy Hobbs memorial dedication at Forest Grove Cemetery; ground penetrating radar at Calhoun Cemetery; re-opening of Main library
- October 2024: rescheduled marker ceremonies for Stratford High School (10/3) and Joseph Yusef Harris (10/5); upcoming marker ceremonies for Professor Bailey (10/17) and Robert Lillard (11/2); call for Preservation Awards nominations; October lantern tours at Nashville City Cemetery; Cemetery Day at Forest Grove Cemetery on October 26; public archaeology program at Sunnyside October 26; MHC Partner Spotlight: Preservation Society of Nashville; Belmont-Hillsboro Tour of Homes October 5; Tennessee State Library and Archives Family History Day October 19; William Edmondson WE Fest October 26; Southern Festival of Books October 26-27
- September 2024: upcoming marker ceremonies for Jackie Shane (9/20), Stratford High School (9/27), and Yusef Harris/ Alkebu-Lan Images (9/28); finishing construction at Sunnyside; repair work at Nashville City Cemetery; Citizen Historic Preservation Academy deadline 9/13; MHC Archaeology Day and Tennessee Archaeology Awareness Month; Civil Rights Movement grant National Register of Historic Places nominations; Partner Spotlight: Historic Nashville, Inc.; TN Wars Commission Grant Deadline; Belmont-Hillsboro Tour of Homes; Hispanic Heritage Month
- August 2024: Sunnyside opening date-August 19; continued stone repair at Nashville City Cemetery; Citizen Historic Preservation Academy applications available; MHC archaeology update; MHC Archaeology Day on September 7; Nashville Independent Venues Study available; Hubbard House becomes Local Landmark and receives National Trust for Historic Preservation grant funding; MHC staff and commissioners on WPLN's This Is Nashville;
- July 2024: Sunnyside Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; National Register of Historic Places nominations for for Clark Memorial Methodist Church Complex, First Community Church, and the associated historical context document, The Civil Rights Movement in Nashville, Tennessee, 1942–1969, approved by State Review Board; Phase III cemetery survey wrapping up; successful marker unveilings for Peter Bashaw and Warehouse 28; upcoming ceremony for Russ McCown "Sir Cecil Creape" historical marker on July 13; Save the Date-July 17-Memorial Vigil for John Lewis and Rev. James Lawson; new information about Bettie Page; Bells Bend teacher archaeology workshop
- June 2024: Recap of Preservation Award winners; new historical markers around town; Keep on the Sunnyside MHCF event (June 8); Sunnyside official ribbon cutting (June 29); cemetery survey continues; more repair work at Nashville City Cemetery; Black Music Month events; Pride Month events; Juneteenth events; summer events at Parks and Libraries
- May 2024: Preservation Month; 2024 Preservation Awards (May 6); new MHZC staff member Scott Keckley; National Historic Marker Day photos; Sunnyside renovations nearing completion; upcoming historical ceremonies and marker reinstallations; Metro Historic Zoning Commission’s Leadership Recognition Award; Memorial Day Dash (May 27) for Nashville City Cemetery; Davidson County Cemetery Survey ongoing; training and repairs at Nashville City Cemetery; events in Metro Parks and at Nashville Public Library; upcoming community events
- April 2024: update on Sunnyside renovation; Two Rivers Mansion façade restoration and National Register nomination update; new parking at Nashville City Cemetery; feedback request for Civil Rights Movement Documentation Project; Cusic Music Lecture Series continues; tours at Fort Negley; new Metro Archives exhibit; Community Day at Glen Leven Farm; Diane Nash Plaza dedication; Travellers Rest Preservation Celebration; Starry Night at Centennial Art Center
- March 2024: two markers re-installed; Phase III of cemetery survey; community archaeology grant; improvements at Nashville City Cemetery; Cusic Music Lecture Series continues; Archaeology Adventure in Warner Park; new PBS documentary about Tennessee A&I (now TSU) basketball team; Andrew Jackson's 257th birthday
- February 2024: update on Sunnyside renovations and excavation in outbuilding; new MHZC Commissioner; registration information for annual Conference on African American History and Culture (February 9); nominations for Preservation Awards due March 1; Dr. Don Cusic music lecture series continues; grant updates; history programming at NPT; new historical marker-Saint Bernard Academy; spotlight on SNAP mural in Wedgewood-Houston; spotlight on author John Gruesser; Bellevue Harpeth Historic Association hosts historic trades workshop; ways to celebrate Black History Month
- January 2024: update on Sunnyside renovations and dendrochronology information; more information on annual Conference on African American History and Culture (February 9); Dr. Don Cusic music lecture series continues; 16th Annual Middle Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition at the Parthenon in Centennial Park; repairs at Nashville City Cemetery; spotlight on GranDale print by Phil Ponder; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day events
2023 Newsletters
- December 2023: annual Conference on African American History and Culture on February 9; congratulations to Commissioner Dr. Marissa Richmond on US Department of Education appointment; re-scheduled Civil Rights Documentation Project public meeting; Dr. Don Cusic music lecture series; HNI's annual Nashville Nine; public meeting about Shelby Commons; spotlight on "Oh Tennessee"
- November 2023: congratulations first graduating class of Citizens Historic Preservation Academy; public meeting for Civil Rights Documentation Project; Bryan Gilley, new City Cemetery site manager; Dr. Don Cusic's music lecture series continues; spotlight on Central State Hospital cemetery; Veterans Day programming
- October 2023: Preservation Awards deadline: March 1; historical marker ceremonies: Hank Snow (October 21) and Washington Junior High School (October 23); Cemetery Survey update; Commissioners' Corner segment--Downtown Presbyterian Church Education Building by Jim Hoobler; weekly lantern tours at Nashville City Cemetery; HNI Nashville Nine deadline: October 15; Dr. Don Cusic music lecture series "Nashville Music History"; new photo exhibit at Nashville Public Library
- September 2023: new Commissioners' Corner segment--Morris Memorial Building by Linda Wynn; Citizen Historic Preservation Academy; Nashville Nine deadline; Perspectives on Preservation: Mayoral Candidates Respond (election September 14); new street signs in Historic Germantown; return of Musicians Corner at Centennial Park; Then and Now lecture series at Nashville Public Library; Wine on the River benefitting The DISTRICT
- August 2023: historical marker updates; Perspectives on Preservation: Mayoral Candidates Respond; Citizen Historic Preservation Academy; Ground Penetrating Radar at Sunnyside and Nashville City Cemetery; Dendrochronology at Sunnyside update; MHC awarded NPS Underrepresented Communities Grant; Upcoming Grant Deadlines; In Memoriam: Freedom Rider Catherine Burks-Brooks
- July 2023: new MHZC staff; archaeology and dendrochronology at Sunnyside; upcoming grant deadlines; Rep. John Lewis Way Annual March and Book Drive; Save the Morris Building Benefit
- June 2023: new MHC staff; MHZC Neighborhood Leadership Award; archaeology update from Dr. Adam Fracchia; cemetery grant update and local cemetery spotlight on Grizzard cemetery; a month of Juneteenth and Pride events
- May 2023: MHC/MHZC appointments; Preservation Awards on May 18; Memorial Day Dash on May 29; Haynes Heights Neighborhood Honored; Nashville Civil Rights Documentation Project update; Cemetery Survey Project update; Nashville Participatory Budget deadline June 1; Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month activities
- April 2023: Preservation Awards on May 18; Archaeology at Sunnyside in Sevier Park; Memorial Day Dash on May 29; Evening of Elegance fundraiser at Two Rivers Mansion; Garden at Grassmere Historic Farm Wins Award; EXIT/IN listed in the National Register of Historic Places; Metro Nashville 60th Celebration postponed
- March 2023: Farewell to Sean Alexander; Preservation Awards Deadline; Nashville Civil Rights Movement Documentation Project Survey; Nashville Sites LGBTQ Tour Launch; Women's History Month Programs; Call for Tennessee History Day Judges;
- February 2023: 42nd Annual Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture; Preservation Awards; Upcoming Marker Ceremonies; Archaeology at Sunnyside; MHC in the News; Black History Months Programs; Grant Announcements
- January 2023: Conference Registration Now Open; New Staff and Commissioner; Sunnyside Renovations; Buchanan Log House Restoration; Remembering Dr. Bobby Lovett and Pamela Bobo; Happenings at Two Rivers Mansion
2022 Newsletters
- December 2022: Historical Cemeteries Update; Grant Project Updates; Nashville Nine Announced; THC Certificate of Merit Program; 42nd Annual Nashville Conference on African American History & Culture; Historical Marker Updates
- November 2022: New Commissioner; Fort Negley Updates; Davidson County Cemetery Grant; Preservation Awards Nominations Open; Nashville City Cemetery Updates; Shelby Park Naval Armory Call for Support
- October 2022: October Events at City Cemetery; The DISTRICT Progressive Party; Grassmere's Morton Exhibit Receives Top Honors; Belmont Hillsboro Home Tour; Fort Negley Updates and Events
- September 2022: Welcome New Commissioners; Historical Marker Updates; Renovations Underway at Sunnyside and Sevier Park; Developer Uncovers Historic Burials near City Cemetery; Davidson County Cemetery Grant Updates
- August 2022: Historical Marker Updates; Grassmere Morton Family Exhibit; Nashville Sites Updates; This Used to be Nashville Book Signing; Remembering Vernon Winfrey; Grant Announcements; Restoration at Last Chance Liquors
- July 2022: Historical Marker Updates; Second Annual Rep. John Lewis Way March; Historic Cemeteries Grant; Nashville Sites Updates; Happenings at Historic Travellers Rest; New National Theme Study on Labor History
- June 2022: Historical Marker Updates; New Staff Member; Deadline for Historic Tax Abatement Program; Sunnyside Mansion Rehabilitation; Hopewell Missionary Baptist Restoration; Nashville Sites Updates; Remembering Irene Wills; Juneteenth Events
- May 2022: Preservation Awards; Historical Marker Updates; New Historic Tax Abatement Program; Nashville Sites Receives Grant; Boyd House Fundraiser; Bashaw Cemetery Restoration; Memorial Day Dash
- April 2022: Historical Marker Updates; Fort Negley Updates and Events; Happenings at Two Rivers Mansion; Nashville City Cemetery Updates; Historic Preservation for Realtors Course; 22nd Annual Memorial Day Dash
- March 2022: Historical Marker Updates; Fort Negley News and Events; Nashville Sites Updates; Centennial Art Center Celebrates 50th Anniversary and Examines its Role in Civil Rights History; Exit/In Celebrates 50th Anniversary with New Book
- February 2022: 2022 NCAAHC; Historical Marker Updates; Metro Historical Commission Foundation Annual Fundraiser; Second Avenue Recovery; Nashville Sites New Driving Tour; HBCU Historic Preservation Grants
- January 2022: 2022 NCAAHC; Historical Marker Updates; Second Avenue Recovery; Remembering Dr. Joseph Y. Garrison; Happenings at Buchanan Log House; Grant Opportunities; Historic Gower Cemetery Updates
2021 Newsletters
- December 2021: Preservation Awards Call for Nominations; MHC Welcomes New Commissioner; Preservation Funding Opportunities; Second Avenue Recovery Update; Historical Marker Updates; Fort Negley Events; 2022 NCAAHC
- November 2021: Second Avenue Recovery Update; Centennial Park Grant Project Findings; Friends Group Works to Restore Ewing Cemetery; MHCF Fundraiser Rescheduled; Fort Negley and Two Rivers Mansion Updates
- October 2021: Second Avenue Recovery Update; American Baptist College Celebrates 97 Years; Grants Will Fund Black Nashville Civil War Database; New Historical Marker, Exhibit for Berger Building and Federal Courthouse Site
- September 2021: Commissioner Recognitions; Second Avenue Recovery Updates; NPS Grant for Civil Rights Study in Nashville; IMS Grant Opportunities; Council Passes Tax Abatement for Historic Properties
- August 2021: Proposed Tax Abatement for Historic Properties; THC Grant for Countywide Cemetery Preservation Plan; Centennial Park Grant Project Updates; Remembering Mike Slate
- July 2021: MHC/MHZC News; Second Avenue Recovery; Nashville Municipal Auditorium National Register Nomination; Metro Enacts New C&D Reporting Requirements; Historical Marker Updates; Fort Negley Events
- June 2021: Pride Month and Nashville's LGBTQ History; Second Avenue Bombing Recovery; Juneteenth Events; Nashville Sites Updates; Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings; Union Station Restoration
- May 2021: 45th Annual Preservation Awards; NCAAHC Website Updates; Exit/In Benefit Concert; Statehood Day Celebration; New Morton Family Exhibit at Grassmere Historic Farm
- April 2021: Historical Marker Updates; Interpretive Signage at Two Rivers Mansion; Sunnyside History and Renovations; Proposed State Historic Tax Credit; Assistance Fund for Second Avenue
- March 2021: MHC/MHZC Updates; Preservation Awards 2021; Second Avenue Recovery; Sunnyside Renovations; Nashville Sites; New TSLA Opening; Nashville Historical Newspaper; NCAAHC Video
- February 2021: MHC/MHZC Updates; 40th Annual Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture; Second Avenue Recovery Updates; Nashville Sites Updates; Preservation Awards 2021
- January 2021: 40th Annual Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture; Christmas Day Bombing on 2nd Ave.; New Nashville Sites Fisk/Meharry Tour; Remembering George Cate, Jr. and Kwame Lillard
Looking for older issues of our newsletter? Visit our Historical Commission Newsletter Archive.