Historic Property Tax Exemption
Bills BL2019-3 and BL2021-864 allow for a Historic Property Tax Exemption Program based on T.C.A. § 67-5-218. The abatement provides a partial ten-year tax exemption for property owners of buildings that are not zoned R or RS and that are endangered. The monthly deadline for applications coincides with the monthly application deadline of the Historic Zoning Commission. Historic Property Tax Abatement Application now available.
Historic Zoning Commission Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Metro Historical Commission’s Historic Preservation Grant Fund
A matching grant program that distributes awards to eligible owners of historic properties for improvements to historic properties. The program is not funded at this time.
Historic Nashville's Preservation Easement
A preservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement that protects a significant historic or cultural resource and can provide a tax incentive to an owner.
Federal Historic Tax Credit Program
The Federal Historic Tax Credit program provides a 20% historic tax credit for certified historic structures. The rehab project must spend the adjusted value of the building or $5000, whichever is greater.
C-PACER Program
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy and Resiliency (C-PACER) is a financing approach that allows owners of commercial properties to seek long-term financing from private lenders for clean energy and resiliency improvements.