Myth: Title VI prohibits gender discrimination
Gender discrimination is not prohibited by Title VI. Other Civil Rights laws prohibit gender discrimination. Title VI only covers race, color and national origin.
Myth: Title VI only applies to direct recipients of Federal Funding
Not true. Any entity that receives federal financial assistance either directly or as a pass-thru recipient is subject to the provisions of Title VI. This includes subcontractors and sub-recipients. Pass-thru sub-recipients not only receive funding; they also take on the requirement to comply with the provisions of Title VI
Myth: Title VI only applies to the specific program in the department that receives federal funding
Not true. Any department that receives federal financial assistance is completely subject to Title VI, not just the program. For example, if the Fun Times program in the Parks and Recreation Department receives a federal grant, the Fun Times program is subject to Title VI, but so is the whole Parks and Recreation Department. However, this does not mean that the full government is subject to Title VI because an individual program or activity in the Parks and Recreation Department is federally funded.
Myth: Grantors will automatically pull federal funding if you don’t comply with the provisions of Title VI
Not true. Typically, grantors want to see services delivered in a compliant manner. It is not their goal to rescind funding, but rather to ensure that programs funded are delivered in a non-discriminatory manner. Grantors will work with non-compliant grantees to assist them in achieving compliance. If non-compliance is determined, grantors will work with grantees to help them achieve compliance, typically involving a corrective action plan to achieve compliance. Outright refusal to comply will often result in funding being terminated..