This is a past meeting.
September 2, 2021
8:30 a.m.
Meeting Type
Regularly scheduled
The following cases will be considered at this meeting:
1. 1212 McGavock Street (2021DTC-017-001):
- Project: 28-story residential building at 1212, 1214, and 1218 McGavock Street.
- Request: Modification requested to the floor-to-floor height, step-back, and overall height.
- Applicant: Luca Barber, Mill Creek Residential Trust
- 1212 McGavock Street Downtown Code Height Modification Application
2. 701 8th Avenue South (2021DTC-020-001):
- Project: 23-story residential building at 701 8th Avenue South.
- Request: Modification requested to increase the frontage that additional height from key intersections is applicable to.
- Applicant: Brendan Boles, Kimley-Horn
- 701 8th Avenue South Plan