Metro offers prioritization for departmental review of certain permit applications and related reviews for qualifying affordable housing developments.
Permits eligible for priority review are listed below. We advise that applicants submit completed plans and all required documents. For more information on requirements, please visit Building Permits Central.
- Any permit issued pursuant to Chapter 16.28 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, including master building permits, individual building permits, foundation permits, and demolition permits;
- Tree removal permit issued by the Department of Codes Administration;
- Urban Forester review for landscape and irrigation;
- Grading permit and related review issued by Metro Water Services;
- Public water and sewer extension permit;
- Cross-connect permit for private water and sewer service;
- Department of Public Works traffic study review; review of public road improvements, curb cuts and sidewalks; and trash collection approvals;
- Fire Marshal life safety review and sprinkler and/or riser room approval;
- Metropolitan Planning Department review of plans and building elevations for Planned Unit Development (PUD), overlay, or Specific Plan (SP) development; plat review; review of final plat for lot creation, right-of-way dedication, and easement dedication; and
- Permits issued for office or construction trailers on construction sites.
To see if you qualify for departmental & permit priority review, please read the Priority Review Guidelines.
For more information or if you have any questions regarding the Departmental and Permit Priority Review tool, please contact