Zoning classifications for property in Metropolitan Nashville & Davidson County are listed below.
Planning Department Zone Changes
- AG (agricultural, requiring a minimum lot size of 5 acres and intended for uses that generally occur in rural areas, including single-family, two-family, and mobile homes)
- AR2a (agricultural, requiring a minimum lot size of 2 acres and intended for uses that generally occur in rural areas, including single-family, two-family, and mobile homes)
Single-family residential
- RS80 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 80,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS40 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 40,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS30 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 30,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS20 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 20,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS15 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 15,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS10 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 10,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS7.5, RS7.5-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 7,500 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS5, RS5-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 5,000 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
- RS3.75, RS3.75A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 3,750 square foot lot and intended for single-family dwellings)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
One- and two-family residential
- R80 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 80,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R40 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 40,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R30 (low density residential, requiring a minimum 30,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R20 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 20,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R15 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 15,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R10 (low-medium density residential, requiring a minimum 10,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R8, R8-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 8,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
- R6, R6-A* (medium density residential, requiring a minimum 6,000 square foot lot and intended for single and two-family dwellings)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
Multi-family residential
- RM2 (low density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 2 units per acre)
- RM4 (low-medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 4 units per acre)
- RM6 (medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 6 units per acre)
- RM9, RM-9A* (medium density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 9 units per acre)
- RM15 (medium-high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 15 units per acre)
- RM20 (medium-high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 20 units per acre)
- RM40, RM40-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 40 units per acre)
- RM60, RM60-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 60 units per acre)
- RM80-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 80 units per acre)
- RM100-A* (high density residential, intended for multi-family dwellings at 100 units per acre)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
Mobile Home Park
- MHP (Mobile Home Park, requiring a minimum 2 acre lot size and intended for mobile homes at 9 units per acre)
- MUN, MUN-A* (Mixed Use Neighborhood, intended for a low intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
- MUL, MUL-A* (Mixed Use Limited, intended for a moderate intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
- MUG, MUG-A* (Mixed Use General, intended for a moderately high intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
- MUI, MUI-A* (Mixed Use Intensive, intended for a high intensity mixture of residential, retail, and office uses)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
Office and Residential
- OR20, OR20-A* (office and residential, intended for office and/or residential multi-family uses up to 20 dwelling units per acre)
- OR40, OR40-A* (office and residential, intended for office and/or residential multi-family uses up to 40 dwelling units per acre)
- ORI, ORI-A* (Office and Residential Intensive, intended for high intensity office and/or residential multi-family uses with limited retail)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
- ON (Office Neighborhood, intended for low intensity office uses)
- OL (Office Limited, intended for moderate intensity office uses)
- OG (Office General, intended for moderately high intensity office uses)
- CN, CN-A* (Commercial Neighborhood, intended for very low intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses which provide for the recurring shopping needs of nearby residential areas)
- CL, CL-A* (Commercial Limited, intended for retail, consumer service, financial, restaurant, and office uses)
- CS, CS-A* (Commercial Service, intended for a wide range of commercial service related uses including low intensity manufacturing and storage facilities)
- CA (Commercial Attraction, intended for a wide range of amusement, recreational, and retail support uses typically associated with the tourist industry)
- CF (Core Frame, intended for a wide range of parking and commercial service support uses for the central business district)
- DTC (Downtown Code zoning district found only in Downtown Nashville, intended for a broad range of residential and non-residential activities with an emphasis on urban design - the relationship between the street, building and open space for efficient land use, increased transit and the creation of vibrant and safe pedestrian streetscapes)
*Districts labeled -A are alternative zoning districts which require building placement and bulk standards designed to create walkable neighborhoods. Uses and density are identical to their companion districts.
Shopping Centers
- SCN (Shopping Center Neighborhood, intended for a limited range of retail, office, and consumer service uses which provide for the recurring shopping needs of nearby residential areas)
- SCC (Shopping Center Community, intended for moderate intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses for a wide market area)
- SCR (Shopping Center Regional, intended for high intensity retail, office, and consumer service uses for a regional market area)
- IWD (Industrial Warehousing/Distribution, intended for a wide range of warehousing, wholesaling, and bulk distribution uses)
- IR (Industrial Restrictive, intended for a wide range of light manufacturing uses at moderate intensities within enclosed structures)
- IG (Industrial General, intended for a wide range of intensive manufacturing uses)