Nashville’s neighborhoods are the backbone of the community, and our neighborhood planning initiatives constantly seek to improve connectivity, walkability, and attractiveness in all parts of our community.
Planning true neighborhoods emphasizes the creation of lasting, quality environments while providing marketable and viable choices and promoting a sense of belonging and identity, based on an appropriate mix of uses, housing types, and strong designs.
The Planning Department is committed to helping develop places that a wide range of people can enjoy and take pride in.
Neighborhoods Map
There is no definitive map of Nashville’s neighborhood boundaries, because residents don’t always agree on where those boundaries are. The map linked below provides information on neighborhood organizations and on specific subdivisions based on information from residents and community leaders; those boundaries are subject to change and are purely advisory. We have also made some boundary modifications to prevent overlap and make this map easier to read.
Neighborhoods Map, updated June 2021
If you don't see your neighborhood or want to add one to the map, contact Anita McCaig.
Neighborhood Involvement
You can get involved by attending community meetings in your neighborhood. Information about meetings and other community events is posted on our front page and our Facebook page; you can also follow us on Twitter, where we're "MetroNashPlan."
We post Planning Commission Meeting Documents like agendas and staff reports around noon the Friday before each meeting.
Neighborhood Links
We can connect you with over sixty neighborhood organizations through our Neighborhood Links page.
The Mayor's Office of Civic and Community Engagement at 615-862-6000 is another source of neighborhood information. Also, Neighbor 2 Neighbor, a local non-profit, works with numerous neighborhood groups across the city.