The Sexual Health Center provides confidential testing, treatment, and counseling services for individuals who suspect they have or may have been exposed to gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, and/or syphilis. The program is also responsible for contact investigation and partner notification in order to stop the spread of these diseases. Additionally, the program now offers pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) prescriptions for individuals at high-risk for exposure to HIV. The clinic is located at the Lentz Public Health Center at 2500 Charlotte Avenue.
Lentz Public Health Center
2500 Charlotte Avenue
PrEP Clinic, Suite 110
Schedule an appointment for STD/HIV testing.
Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Clinic is closed for staff meeting the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. The last patient walk-in must sign in by 2:30 p.m. Walk-ins may be seen depending on staffing or demand for services. At times, services may need to be limited depending on staffing or demand for services.
Additional sexual health center services are available at our Woodbine and East locations.
East Public Health Center
East Public Health Center
1015 E Trinity Ln
Hours: 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
The second Wednesday of each month, we will be closed from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. due to staff meetings.
Woodbine Public Health Center
Woodbine Public Health Center
224 Oriel Ave
Hours: 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
This clinic observes the official Metro holidays.
Learn More About MPOX and How to Protect Yourself

Poster Text: You eat healthy to prevent weight gain. You stretch to prevent injury. You moisturize to prevent wrinkles. Why not get fully vaccinated to prevent MPOX. For more information, contact the Metro Public Health Department Sexual Health Center at 615-340-5670.

Poster Text: MPOX is still a thing. So is the vaccination. It’s Safe. It’s effective. To get a MPOX vaccine today, contact the Metro Public Health Department Sexual Health Center at 615-340-5670.

Poster Text: Gear? Check. Reservations? Check. Condom and Lube? Check. MPOX vaccine? To get a MPOX vaccine today, contact the Metro Public Health Department Sexual Health Center at 615-340-5670.