Departmental responsibilities fall within the following major areas.
Business Support
The General Services Division of Administration manages the budget, fiscal, and human resources functions for the Department of General Services. This division also delivers a collection of government-wide business support services which include:
Building Design and Construction
The General Services Design and Construction Division facilitates the procurement process for projects requiring design and construction related services, managing resources of time and money for maximum value to Metro. Projects include new facility and major renovations, major maintenance of building envelopes, interior furniture and workplace reconfigurations, and minor improvements requiring design or vendor services. Main programs within the division include:
Building Operations
The General Services Building Operations Division provides facility and systems operation and maintenance services. The division maintains approximately 4.5 million square feet across 100 Metro facilities and properties.
Fleet Management
The Office of Fleet Management (OFM) is responsible for ensuring that safe, reliable fleet vehicles and equipment, fuel to power those units, and related maintenance, repair, and support services are available, accessible, and efficiently used for Metro business. Divisions and programs within OFM include:
Real Estate Services
The General Services Real Estate Services Division develops and implements real estate-related strategies, policies, and procedures for the DGS-managed portfolio and serves as a key strategic real estate advisor to departments and agencies throughout Metro. This division includes the Public Property Administration, responsible for the management of real estate services including acquisition, disposition, and leasing of real property.
Public Property Administration
The Division of Sustainability integrates sustainable practices, throughout the department’s programs, projects, and operations, to reduce energy, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions. The division also works to educate Metro employees as well as citizens about sustainability.