Surplus Property Distribution is Metro’s central point and authority for the management of surplus, seized, confiscated, abandoned, and unclaimed personal and real property deemed excess by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County. The unit manages processes both for submitting excess property items for disposition and for redistributing excess property to Metro agencies having a need. The operation includes maintaining Metro’s surplus inventory warehouse and making pick-ups and deliveries associated with the collection and redistribution of surplus property.
The redistribution, sale, or other disposition of excess property may include, at any time, cars, trucks, heavy equipment, jewelry, furniture, computers, electronics, and real estate as well as other items. Surplus Property Distribution emphasizes the re-use of property within Metro government; however, it also administers the on-going sale of property for which there is no readily apparent need within Metro or seized, confiscated, forfeited, abandoned, or court ordered sale items (which may not be transferred to a Metro agency).
GovDeals / eBid Nashville
Surplus property for the Metro Government is auctioned online through GovDeals. You are welcome to browse items up for bid and/or register to bid.

To see only Metro Government of Nashville items go to:
eBid staff manage the auction additions and item management. In fact, eBid garners significant annual revenue benefiting Metro government and taxpayers.
Metro has received national acclaim for its innovative use of the Internet. Please visit the GovDeals online auction site to bid on surplus, seized, confiscated, abandoned, unclaimed property (including real estate). GovDeals is easy to use and is highly secure.
Notice: Metro employees are welcome to register and participate in eBid Nashville online auctions, provided that…
- "Metro employees with first-hand information about auction items may not bid on such items.
- Additionally, to avoid any conflict of interest (or the appearance of such), Department of General Services employees are considered to have first-hand information about and may not bid on any General Services surplused items (including, but not limited to, OFM and BOSS tools and equipment).
- Finally, General Services employees may not bid on cars or trucks, and these vehicles may not be titled to General Services employees.”;
(General Services Administrative Procedure 04-001)
Contact Us
Kenneth Eads
eBid Nashville (Surplus Distribution) Manager -
Martel Jamison
Warehouse Inventory Admin – Customer Support -
Amber Emberton
Assistant Manager, Administration - Customer Support -
Anthony Moore
Receiving and Distribution, Warehouse - Customer Support -
Danny Brown
Transportation, Warehouse - Customer Support -
Demario Robinson
Vehicles and Equipment, Warehouse - Customer Support -
Michelle Davis
Vehicles and Equipment, Admin - Customer Support -
Matt Hartin
Receiving and Distribution Warehouse - Customer Support