Metro Public Health Department Locations
All Metro Public Health Department locations, including Metro Animal Care and Control (MACC), are operating today during regular business hours. Our East Health Center, located at 1015 East Trinity Lane, did not sustain building damage. The East Health Center is serving customers but currently is without telephone service. Customers seeking to make an appointment at East are asked to call the Lentz Health Center, 615-340-5607, or Woodbine Health Center, 615-862-7940. We will provide an update on the East Health Center once phone service has been restored.
Environmental Health Response
Food Safety
- Four teams - three teams of two Environmental Inspectors and one team of five inspectors – today began canvassing the Germantown (East Nashville), Hermitage/Donelson, Madison, Jefferson Street/Downtown areas. They will assess establishments and assist operators that may be attempting to serve food without electricity.
Metro Animal Care and Control
- DART trailer is stocked and standing by for activation
- MACC Director working with Nashville Humane Association to provide assistance with pets of displaced owners at the shelters.
- Providing supplies as needed (kennels, leashes, toys, food, etc.)
- Animal Control Officers on alert to collect displaced pets isolated by owners, law enforcement, emergency responders, etc.
Disaster Shelters
Four shelters currently in operation:
- Centennial Sportsplex
Pets allowed
Inspected 3/3/2020 (using CDC Environmental Health Assessment Form) - North Nashville with Hadley Park
Inspected 3/4/2020 - East Magnet High School
Pets allowed
Inspected by environmental health 3/3/2020 - Smith Springs Community Center
Pets allowed
Inspection Pending
Vehicle Emissions Testing Stations
- Hermitage testing station is without power. It will reopen once power is restored.
- Westbelt was down 3/3/2020 but is back up today
- Mobile testing units should be operational 3/5/2020