Notice is hereby given that the Metro Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its meeting on Thursday September 8, 2022. The meeting will be held at the Sonny West Auditorium at the Howard Office Building located at 700 Second Avenue South. The meeting will start at 4:00 p.m.
A Public Hearing will be held to consider amendments to the Subdivision Regulations adopted on March 9, 2006. Go to the Planning Department home page to see the public notice online. The purpose of this public hearing is to provide interested persons the opportunity to express their views as part of the Planning Commission’s consideration and action on this proposal. For further information contact Molly Pike at 615-862-7182 or
The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County (Metro Government) is committed to promoting the quality of opportunity for all citizens. Metro Government takes pride in ensuring that people with disabilities are able to take part in, and benefit from, the range of public programs, services, and activities offered by the Government. Metro Government continues to modify its facilities, programs, policies, or practices, as necessary, to ensure access is provided. Metro Government does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, creed or disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. Discrimination against any person in recruitment, examination, appointment, training, promotion, retention, discipline or any other employment practices because of non-merit factors shall be prohibited.
People with disabilities also have the right to be accompanied by service animals in public areas throughout Davidson County under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and interference with or denial of this right may also be a violation of state law. Service animals play an important role in ensuring the independence of people with disabilities, and it is therefore our policy to welcome into our County any animal that is individually trained to assist a person with a disability. For ADA inquiries, contact Josie Bass, ADA Compliance Coordinator, at 615-862-7150 or e-mail For Title VI inquiries, contact Human Relations at 615-880-3370. For all employment-related inquiries, contact Human Resources at 615-862-6640.