New Fire Alarm System Installation
Installation of a new fire alarm system will require a CAAF Permit from the Codes Department. See Construction and Permits for additional information.
Shop drawings for all new fire alarm systems shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal's Office - Plan Review section for review and approval prior to installation.
Drawings shall be prepared by a qualified design professional. Drawings and documentation shall comply with the adopted fire code and NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
Existing Fire Alarm System Modifications
If an existing fire alarm system will be modified, a CAAF permit from the Codes Department is required. The CAAF permit must be issued before starting the following modifications (excludes emergency replacement of a control panel):
- Replacement of the Fire Alarm Control Panel/Motherboard (if an emergency replacement, please note this during your application).
- Addition or relocation of any devices. If adding or relocating more than 20 devices, an appropriately qualified design professional must provide the Fire Marshal's Office – Plan Review section with a set of plans for the fire alarm system.
For additional information Email:
Fire Alarm System Registration
Owner Responsibility
Facilities/Businesses with a fire alarm system are required to have these systems registered with the Alarm Registration Division of Codes. Each owner, operator or lessee shall be responsible for making sure the registration sticker is clearly visible on the front exterior of the building, as well as being responsible for training employees in the proper operation of the alarm system.
Registration Information
The alarm registration ordinance (Metropolitan Code §10.60) was enacted to reduce the number of false burglar and fire alarms reported. The 2022 amendment to this ordinance explains that renewal registrations are due annually, on or before the end of the month in which the initial permit was issued (Alarm Permits Amendment). Citizens are encouraged to train other residents or employees on the use of their alarm system to prevent false alarms.
For information about Fire Alarms please visit the Alarm Registration Division of Codes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What constitutes a false fire alarm call?
Examples of a false alarm call can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Any call where the fire department receives an emergency notification by phone or from a central station monitoring company, responds to the location, no emergency is found at the location, or upon arrival personnel are notified by staff that this was a false call.
- A malfunction in a fire alarm system that results in the response of fire department vehicles to the property.
- Activation of smoke alarms because of construction dust that results in the response of the fire department to the property.
Definition of False Alarm: Metro Code 10.60.010
"False alarm" means the activation of an alarm system through mechanical failure, malfunction, improper installation, or the negligence or intentional misuse by the owner or lessee of an alarm system or his employees, servants or agents; or any other activation of the alarm system not caused by a fire or a forced entry or attempted forced entry or robbery or attempted robbery; such terminology does not include alarms caused by acts of nature such as hurricanes, tornadoes, other severe weather conditions, or alarms caused by telephone line trouble, or other alarms caused by utility company personnel. A maximum of three false burglar alarms, two false robber/panic alarms and two false fire alarms will be granted per alarm device within a fiscal permit year. All subsequent false activations will be considered chargeable violations.
Responsibility for a false alarm shall be the owner, lessee, operator or user of the alarm system or his/her employee.
What happens if I am issued a Citation for excessive False Alarm activations (greater than 2)?
If your address has experienced more than two false fire alarm calls within the Alarm Calendar Year (April 1-March 31), you will be issued a citation.
If you choose to pay the penalty for the citation, instructions are found on the back of your citation. Visit the online traffic payment page and enter your citation number and the date it was issued into the fields provided and click search. This will bring up your citation with an option to pay.