Flood Insurance Rate Maps
Regulated floodplains are illustrated on inundation maps called Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). It is the official map for a community on which FEMA has delineated both the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. SFHAs represent the areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual chance flood event. Structures located within the SFHA have a 26-percent chance of flooding during the life of a standard 30-year mortgage. It is critical to note that properties located outside of the SFHA are not guaranteed to be safe from flooding.
- FEMA FIRM maps are available for free public viewing online
- Metro Nashville-Davidson County provides online interactive mapping services which include the regulated floodplains. View the Metro Planning Commission Parcel Viewer and use the layers list located in the top right corner to select the FEMA Floodplain/Floodway layer.
- Also, upon request, the Development Services Division of Metro Water Services at 615-862-7225, will provide the following information: FIRM zone, community number, panel number, FIRM suffix, date of FIRM’s index, base flood elevation, Elevation Datum System used on FIRM, if the property is located in a floodway, and copies of elevation certificates.
Elevation Certificates
In addition to the regulated floodplains, the Metro Planning Commission’s Parcel Viewer provides public access to related elevation certificates for affected properties.
To access this information, go to the Parcel Viewer website. If on record, Elevation Certificates for a property can be found under and downloaded from the “Stormwater” tab, located within the parcel information bar on the left.