Check the outage map for possible or known outages prior to calling customer care at 615-862-4600.
The map on this page shows all of the currently active water main breaks. Breaks under investigation are shown in yellow and those currently under repair are shown in red. Repaired breaks will remain on the map for a period of time after the work is done. Once service has been fully restored the incident will disappear from the map, however, restoration of roads, landscapes, etc. may still be in progress and may take considerable time depending on the circumstances related to the incident.
To report a suspected water main break or interruption of service not indicated on the map, customers should call Metro Water Services 24/7 Customer Service line at 615-862-4600.
This map only provides information regarding the Metro Water Services service area; it does not include breaks/outages in the Madison Suburban Utility District (MSUD) service area or Harpeth Valley Utilities District (HVUD) service area. Please contact the appropriate utility for more information in these areas.
- Madison Suburban Utility District: 615-868-3201 (After Hours: 615-865-1636)
- Harpeth Valley Utilities District: 615-352-7076