Reduce Wasted Food at School
Schools have a special role in reducing, recovering, and recycling food waste on campus through educating the next generation about the importance of food conservation and recovery. The US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency collaborated to develop a Guide to Conducting a Student Food Waste Audit to educate students about the amount of food they waste in their school cafeterias and to encourage them to reduce waste.
Metro Nashville Public Schools can also use the Metro-wide food waste contract if they are interested in having food scraps and compostable serviceware collected at the school. For more information contact Metro Water Services Zero Waste Team.
Compost Bins for Science Education and School Gardens
We support Metro Nashville Davidson County area school composting efforts with education programs and backyard compost bin program. Your class can compost leaves and garden clippings, or add fruit and vegetable scraps from lunches and snacks, and watch it all change into mulch over time. Students will have a first-hand view of decomposition at work and will learn about this natural form of waste disposal and recycling.
Interested in composting at your school? Apply online for a compost bin.