Continuum of Care committees are responsible for working on strategic initiatives of the Continuum of Care and making relevant recommendations to the Homelessness Planning Council (HPC).
Process for Becoming a Committee Member
Committee members may be added to committees at any time during the year. Committee members do not have to be members of the HPC or of the Continuum of Care General Membership. Committee members are appointed by the HPC Chair based on recommendations from the respective committee chair (or co-chairs). Committee members should disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest to the committee chair.
If you are interested in expressing interest in joining a Continuum of Care Committee, please complete this form: Nashville-Davidson County Continuum of Care Committee Interest Form
Committee Descriptions
Governance Charter Committee
Reviews the Continuum of Care Governance Charter and makes any recommendations for change or revision at least annually, in accordance with HUD requirements.
This committee has not yet established a consistent meeting frequency.
- Continuum of Care Governance Charter (Approved June 2021)
- June 2024 Overview of Charter Revisions and Additional Recommendations
Nominating and Membership Committee
Recruits and selects qualified, willing members of the CoC and/or community at-large to serve as HPC members and present the nominees to the CoC GM as requested. Accepts membership applications for the CoC GM and ensures membership policies and practices are followed. Leads efforts to recruit, retain, and motivate diverse membership participation in the CoC. Tracks attendance at GM meetings for the purposes of voting rights and offering committee support.
This committee has not yet established a consistent meeting frequency.
Consumer Advisory Board (CAB)
A committee of people with lived experience of homelessness who advise and inform the Nashville-Davidson County Continuum of Care. The Consumer Advisory Board strives to ensure that local efforts to end homelessness and support unhoused residents, are centered around the needs, desires, and unique perspectives of those who have experienced homelessness in Nashville-Davidson County.
Typically meets on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. (directly following The Contributor breakfast)
Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
A committee of youth with lived experience of homelessness who advise and inform the Nashville-Davidson County Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project (YHDP) and other initiatives to end youth homelessness.
Typically meets every other Thursday from Noon to 2:00 p.m.
- Youth Action Board Flyer
- Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) Grant Website
- Youth Homelessness System Improvement (YHSI) Grant Website
Housing Opportunities Committee
Collaborates with local agencies, housing providers, and community stakeholders to identify, develop, and expand affordable housing solutions for people experiencing homelessness in Nashville.
This committee has not yet established a consistent meeting frequency.
Shelter, Weather, Outreach, and Prevention (SWOP) Committee
Coordinates among outreach, shelter, and service providers to ensure people living outdoors have the information they need to access shelter and other vital resources, especially during extreme weather conditions.
Typically meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Outdoor Homelessness Strategy (Approved August 2022)
Revised Outdoor Homelessness Strategy (Approved on December 10, 2024)
Performance Evaluation Committee (PEC)
Conducts local performance evaluation of projects seeking HUD CoC funding, which includes reviewing, rating and ranking project proposals and presenting these to the CoC HPC for approval. In the rating and ranking process, this committee operates under direction from the CoC HPC and a local strategic plan on how projects can best meet local needs and address priorities. Appointments must assure that members are best suited to fairly, thoroughly, and strategically review and rank community projects to garner maximum funding for the city. The PEC committee will collaborates with the Collaborative Applicant and relevant stakeholders to set performance measures, assess, and monitor recipient outcomes, and address underperformance.
The Performance Evaluation Committee members are nominated based on the following guidelines:
- May not be currently employed by or affiliated with agencies that currently receive Continuum of Care funding or intend to apply for CoC funding;
- May not have immediate family members or other close ties with agencies that currently receive CoC funding or intend to apply;
- Permissible to have received services from funded entities;
- Ability to use unbiased approach to review and rank local projects, and use a scoring tool that is customized to carry out this scoring activity; and,
- Experience reviewing proposals competing for federal funding.
Typically meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
- FY2024 Funding Competition Page
- FY2023 CoC Project Priority Listing
- Performance Evaluation Committee Reallocation Policy (Approved September 2023)
Standards of Care Committee
Ensures policies and procedures are developed for projects funded by HUD CoC and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and aligned with HUD requirements.
Typically meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Continuum of Care Written Standards
Coordinated Entry Oversight Committee
Recommends policy guidance for the HPC on issues related to the implementation of the Coordinated Entry process. Provides ongoing support, guidance, and evaluation to the designated CE lead.
Typically meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Office of Homeless Services Coordinated Entry Website
Data and HMIS Oversight Committee
Improves agency and community-wide data quality, analyzes data to inform CoC system design, annually reports on data driven local funding priorities, oversees Point-in-Time counts and related methodology, and measures progress on community goals and plans to end homelessness. Recommends policy guidance for the CoC HPC on issues related to the implementation and use of the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Typically meets on the 4th Monday of the month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Office of Homeless Services HMIS Website
- HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual (Approved August 2019)
- Continuum of Care Priorities Report
Point-In-Time Count (PiT) Subcommittee
Designs the methodology and coordinates canvassing efforts for the annual Point-In-Time Count, a federally mandated count of all sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness in Nashville-Davidson County on a single night in January.
Typically meets the 3rd Friday of the month from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
- HUD Exchange Point-in-Time Count Website
- 2024 Point-in-Time Count Infographic
- 2024 Point-In-Time Count Press Release
Veterans Workgroup
Works to create a sustainable systems approach that is capable of meeting and maintaining the federal criteria and benchmarks that effectively end veteran homelessness in Nashville.
Typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.