General Questions
The By-Name-List is dynamic and changes based on multiple factors. It is not possible to provide a numerical position for a client.
Coordinated Entry referrals are based on vulnerability and need, not on a first-come, first-served basis. The dynamic nature of the By-Name-List means it is not possible to give a specific timeline for referrals.
Coordinated Entry aims to match everyone in need, but the demand for resources exceeds availability. A priority process ensures those with the greatest vulnerability are served first.
The only walk-up emergency shelter in Nashville is the Nashville Rescue Mission.
If the head of household is experiencing literal homelessness, the family is still eligible for a referral through Coordinated Entry.
Coordinated Entry is a process, not an immediate solution. Rehousing may take weeks or months, depending on critical factors determined during the assessment. The only immediate shelter option is the Nashville Rescue Mission.
Referrals to Strobel House Permanent Supportive Housing are made through Coordinated Entry using HMIS data and the By-Name-List (BNL). There is no interest list for Strobel House.