How’s Nashville is a community-wide, collaborative, and inclusive effort to end literal homelessness in Nashville. It was launched by the Metropolitan Homelessness Commission in 2013. The How’s Nashville Fund is located within the Office of Homeless Services as a special donation fund to help people transition from street to housing.
Your donation will pay for move-in costs including rent and utility deposits, pet deposits, and other fees that must be paid as part of moving into an apartment. We are also utilizing these funds to remove barriers to housing by paying for ID and birth certificate replacements, owed back rents, back payments for utilities, and other expenses that prevent a person from renting a place. We pay up to $1,000 per household. If you prefer sending a check, please make it out to “How’s Nashville” and mail it to the Office of Homeless Services, attn. April Calvin, PO Box 196300, Nashville, TN 37219-6300.
You will receive an acknowledgement letter for your donation. Thank you!
Please consult with your tax advisor on your contribution. The following information is listed on the IRS Webpage: “Charitable contributions to governmental units are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code if made for a public purpose.”