Coordinated Entry Interest Lists for Emergency Shelter (ES), Transitional Housing (TH), Single Room Occupancy (SRO), and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) are for case managers and housing navigators to add their clients to appropriate lists. All referrals for these resources are based on availability and made through Coordinated Entry (CE) during weekly Care Coordination Meetings.
How To Submit an Interest List Request
Log in to hubNashville then click the preferred interest list link below to be taken directly to the request form.
Before submitting your request, please make sure you are logged in to hubNashville in order to track your request and to receive the confirmation reply that your client has been added to the desired interest list.
If you do not have a hubNashville account, go to the hubNashville login page and click "Not a Member" to set up your account.
Interest List Request Forms and Information
Coordinated Entry - Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) - Urban Housing Solutions
This form is used for case managers to submit clients to the Urban Housing Solutions Permanent Supportive Housing interest list (UHS PSH). UHS PSH provides scattered-site housing for individuals 18 and older (excluding Fisk). No minimum income is required. Eligibility requires verification of disabling condition and chronic homelessness. Those on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) are ineligible.
Clients must have all the following documents uploaded to their HMIS profile before being added to the interest list: Disability Verification documentation, Chronic Homelessness Verification documentation, birth certificate, social security card, and ID
Please note: Clients who do not meet eligibility requirements or who do not have required documents uploaded to their HMIS profile at the time of submission will not be added to the interest list.
Coordinated Entry - SRO - Urban Housing Solutions (UHS) Interest List Request
This form is for case managers to submit their clients to the Urban Housing Solutions Single Residency Occupancy (SRO) interest list. All documentation must be uploaded to HMIS. UHS SRO offers housing for individuals 18 and older (excluding Fisk). Units are located on UHS properties across Nashville, including Mercury Court (MC), which can accommodate individuals on the sex offender registry (SOR).
Clients must have all the following documents uploaded to their HMIS profile before being added to the interest list: birth certificate, social security card, and ID
Please note: Clients who do not meet eligibility requirements or who do not have required documents uploaded to their HMIS profile at the time of submission will not be added to the interest list.
Coordinated Entry - FISK - Urban Housing Solutions Interest List Request Form
This form is for case managers to submit clients to the FISK interest list. UHS FISK provides Single Residency Occupancy (SRO) housing for youth aged 18 to 24. These units are located on Charlotte Pike. Those on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) are ineligible.
Clients must have all the following documents uploaded to their HMIS profile before being added to the interest list: birth certificate, social security card, and ID
Please note: Clients who do not meet eligibility requirements or who do not have required documents uploaded to their HMIS profile at the time of submission will not be added to the interest list.
Coordinated Entry - Launchpad Mobile Housing Navigation Center List Request
This form is for case managers to submit clients to the Launchpad Mobile Housing Navigation Center interest list. Launchpad supports youth aged 18 to 24 transitioning back into stable housing.
Please confirm your client’s interest in communal living before adding to the interest list.
Coordinated Entry - Madison - Mobile Housing Navigation Center Interest List
This form is for case managers to submit their clients to the CCF MHNC Madison interest list. MHNC Madison accepts men and women. This location is not wheelchair accessible. Those on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) are ineligible.
Coordinated Entry - McKendree - Mobile Housing Navigation Center Interest List
This form is for case managers to submit their induvial male clients to the McKendree MHNC interest list. This center is aimed at assisting individual males transitioning back into living indoors. Please confirm that your client is interested in communal living before adding to the Interest List. This location accepts men ONLY. Those on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) are ineligible.
Coordinated Entry - Park Center Interest List Request Form
This form is for case managers to submit their clients to the Park Center interest list. Individuals only, not families. Clients must have a verifiable disability (although it does not have to from a doctor) and income (some income). The goal is to build upon a foundation of safety. There will be 2 in-home visits per month and staff are on call for after-hours emergencies. Most units are shared with 1 or 2 housemates. All have private bedrooms, and many have private bathrooms. Must be 18 or more years old and received treatment in past.
Coordinated Entry - The Salvation Army Interest List Request Form
This form is for case managers/housing navigators to submit their client to The Salvation Army (TSA) interest list. TSA Transitional Housing provides case management and support toward stability, including employment assistance. Please confirm your client’s interest in communal living before adding to the interest list. This program operates at the Dickerson Pike location.
Those on the Sex Offender Registry (SOR) are ineligible.
Coordinated Entry - Welcome Home Ministries Interest List Request Form
This form is for case managers to submit their individual clients (no families) to the Welcome Home Ministries (WHM) interest list. WHM is program that can assist those looking for recovery options. Please note that interested clients would need to pass an 80-hour alcohol screening and a drug screening. WHM is a vital resource for those wanting assistance towards sobriety.