About the WeGo Connector Card Program
The Connector Card program is a one-year bus pass program for chronically homeless clients in partnership with WeGo.
Homelessness is defined as living in a place not meant for human habitation (e.g., car, streets, encampment), in a shelter, in transitional housing, or someone exiting an institution (e.g., jail, hospital) where (s)he resided for 90 days or less; or resided in emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution.
Connector Card Requirements
Client must meet the following criteria:
- Have an Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) profile
- Be open and active in Coordinated Entry (CE)
- Be experiencing chronic homelessness (homelessness for more than 12 months) or be at risk of chronic homelessness (homelessness for more than 5 months with a disabling condition).
- Have a signed Release of Information (ROI) uploaded to the HMIS "File Attachments" section
- Have a signed Connector Card Code of Conduct form uploaded to the HMIS "File Attachments" section
- Have an updated current living situation within the last 30 days in HMIS
If any of these requirements are not met and/or documentation is not uploaded to HMIS, the Connector Card request will not be processed.
Connector Card Limits
- There is a one-time life participation limit for the duration of no longer than one year. If your client has previously participated in the Connector Card Program, they are ineligible.
- Connector Card Program participants may request only two replacement cards if their original Connector Card is lost. If your client loses both replacement cards, they no longer qualify for the program and will be exited. Please note that all reported lost cards are deactivated immediately.
How to Submit Connector Card Request
Coordinated Entry Connector Card Request via hubNashville
If you have not used hubNashville before, you will need to create an account before submitting the request. To create an account, go to the hubNashville login page and click "Not a Member" to set up your account.
For DV/IPV Case Managers and Housing Navigators
Please use the client's DV CE Moniker in place of HMIS ID on the HUB Connector Card Request Form
Send the signed Connector Card Code of Conduct form to CEHelp@Nashville.gov with subject heading: Connector Card and client's DV CE moniker
Connector Card Required Forms
Connector Card Code of Conduct Form
Release of Information (ROI) Form
For DV Connector Card requests, please attach a signed Connector Card Code of Conduct to your Connector Card request.
Connector Card Pick-Up Schedule
Connector Cards must be picked up by the case manager, not the client. Connector Cards can be picked up at Office of Homeless Services at 3055 Lebanon Pike, Suite 200A, Nashville, TN 37214 (above Metro Social Services) on the following schedule:
- Mondays 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
- Wednesdays 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
When you arrive on the second floor, please ring the Office of Homeless Services doorbell and someone will assist you.
If you have any questions about the program or need assistance, please send a request to CEHELP@nashville.gov.