You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Metro Social Services is the Homeless Management Information System Lead Agency for the Nashville-Davidson County Continuum of Care. To request data from the system, please complete all sections of this form before submitting your request. Staff at Metro Social Services will review your request within three business days and will contact you regarding next steps. Please note that submitting this form does not ensure that your request will be fulfilled, and you may be required to provide additional information or re-submit the form before receiving a determination from the Homeless Management Information System Manager. The Manager retains authority for determining whether and how data requests may be fulfilled. Report delivery times will vary depending on priority, complexity of the request, and other outstanding requests. If you have questions about the form or need help completing it, please e-mail with the subject line "HMIS Data Request Form." Name Title Agency Email Address How do you intend to use the data you are requesting? Internal performance measure: use data to improve services within your agency Presentation of data outside your agency: use data to inform the work of CoC committees, provide education to the community, etc. Funding: use data to fulfill requirements of an existing grant Funding: use data to complete grant application Other External Presentation Data Requests Depending on the nature of your request and the intended audience, the Homeless Management Information System Manager may deem it necessary for Homeless Management Information System staff to lead the presentation of the data. Please provide a detailed description of the audience and context of the external presentation for which you intend to use the data. Funding-Related Data Requests: Existing Grant Requirements What is the funding source for this grant? Funding-Related Data Requests: Grant Application Please note: For data requests that will be used to complete a grant application, you must e-mail a copy of the grant application to with the subject line "HMIS Data Request_[Agency Name]_[Date of Request]" (example: HMIS Data Request_Metro Social Services_4-8-22). What is the funding source for this grant? Request will not be processed until HMIS staff receives a copy of the grant application Please type "Yes" to indicate your understanding that this request will not be processed until Homeless Management Information System staff receives a copy of the grant application, e-mailed to Data Use Other Please describe how the data will be used. What information are you requesting? Please describe your data request in detail. Are you requesting aggregate data or client level data? Aggregate data summary data that does not have any information that could be used to infer an individual or households identity Client level data includes information about individuals and households that could be used to identify them What do you want the report to count? Individuals Households Both Should the report be based on an unduplicated client count, or all records collected during the reporting period? Unduplicated client count All records collected during the reporting period What is the date range of the data being requested? Please include a start and end date. Date Range Start Date Date Range End Date When do you need the data? Please select the anticipated frequency of this data request. One-time request Recurring request: monthly Recurring request: quarterly Recurring request: annually Other Other Frequency Please select the format in which you would prefer to receive the data. Custom report access through HMIS Homeless Management Information System participating agencies only Data file e.g. excel, csv, etc. No preference Is there any other information you feel is needed to process your request? Leave this field blank