Metro Parks leases out West Park Softball and Baseball Complex to Nashville Sports Leagues (NSL) to operate. NSL is in the process of converting the softball complex at West Park into soccer fields.
Nashville Sports Leagues offers a wide range of adult recreational sports to keep you active. Founded in 2002, NSL organizes leagues and tournaments for basketball, flag football, kickball, soccer, dodgeball, cornhole, bowling, softball and volleyball. To date, they have grown to host over 1400 teams and 1600 players.
The League also hosts a variety of social events for their players. Activities include: tournament after parties, 3-2-1 Fridays, post-season player parties and networking events.
NSL leagues are fun and competitive and their social events keep you connected both on and off the field. The leagues play year-round. You can recruit a team and sign up together, or you can register as a free agent or small group and they will find you a team.
Metro Parks leases out Cedar Hill Softball Complex, Two Rivers Park (two softball fields), and Cane Ridge Softball Complex to Mid State Sports League (MSSL).
MSSL offers a wide range of youth and adult recreational sports to keep you active. Founded in 2011, MSSL organizes leagues and tournaments for basketball, flag football, kickball, soccer, softball and volleyball. To date, they have grown to host over 25,000 participants annually in the Nashville area. For information about what is available or to rent one of these facilities visit Mid State Sports.
MSSL offers fun and competitive leagues with a variety of skill levels. The leagues play year-round. You can signup online at Mid State Sports Leagues either by recruiting a team, signing up with a group of friends to be placed on a team, or signing up as a free agent.
Do not delay in securing your spot. Teams, small groups, and individual registration available at Mid State Sports Leagues.

Baseball and Softball Field Information
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