Metro Parks is planning Nashville’s next great park at First Avenue North and Gay Street.
First Public Meeting
A first public meeting was held in January 2023 to begin gathering the community’s ideas, concerns and questions about the park. Materials presented at the meeting and a summary of public input can be viewed here:
Second Public Meeting
A second public meeting was held in March 2023 at which the design team presented developing concepts for community feedback.
March 2, 2023 Meeting Presentation Materials
An online survey was conducted after the second public meeting.
Summary of Responses to the Survey Conducted after the Second Public Meeting
Draft Final Concept
In June of 2023, a draft final concept was released on this page along with an online survey.
Summary of Survey Responses on the Draft Final Concept
The input received at the two public meetings and two online surveys will be incorporated into the final plan. Check back here soon to see the 1st and Gay Street Park Master Plan and other updates about this future park!
Also, please email us at with any questions or suggestions. We love hearing from you!